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Minutes from the Technical Board meeting, 2009-12-15

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Technical Board meeting, 2009-12-15


= Attendees =

* Kees Cook (chair)

* Colin Watson

* Martin Pitt

* Matt Zimmerman

* Scott James Remnant

* Mark Shuttleworth


= Notes =

* Prior action review

* Excepting tasks covered under the UnitsPolicy and Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy

discussions below, prior actions were all done.


* UnitsPolicy

* Generally okay, but some minor clean-ups still needed. Should

coordinate with Debian.

* [ACTION] mdz to fix language wrt cmdline meaning in Unit policy

* [ACTION] kees to present Units policy to Debian TC via bdale


* Status of ARM port vs. archive publishing (slangasek, mdz)

* ARM is considered supported for Karmic and later, even though it

lives on ports.

* [ACTION] cjwatson to document meanings of archive vs. ports, cdimage

vs. releases, etc.


* Archive reorganisation (ColinWatson)

* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation

* [ACTION] cjwatson to add a bit more intro to

UbuntuDevelopment/TeamDelegation, and link it from appropriate places

* [ACTION] cjwatson to follow up with kubuntu-dev and mythbuntu-dev to

get ubuntu-core-dev added


* https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy

* [ACTION] ScottK to update policy based on kubuntu upstream feedback

* [ACTION] kees to follow up with ScottK on Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy



* Execute Permission Policy (KeesCook)

* [ACTION] kees to clean up further and re-present at next meeting


* Check up on community bugs (standing item)

* https://launchpad.net/bugs/485559 "Mark Shuttleworth has no

expiration date set in the tech-board LP team"

* [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and

* clarify his role

* [ACTION] sabdfl to update bug with status and discussion


* Next meeting is Jan 12, 2010. Chair: cjwatson




Kees Cook

Ubuntu Security Team




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