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Problems : NT4, modem control panel and dial-up networking

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This may or may not be a compatibility problem (and it may take a while to explain), but it is driving me mad trying to solve it. Please help!


I'm running Windows NT 4.0 Workstation on a PIII450

with 128Mb RAM and a USR Sportster Flash V.90 External

modem (which I flash upgraded to V.90 myself). Windows

NT is installed on the first 4Gb partition of my 8.4Gb

hard drive, and SuSe Linux 6.1 is installed on the

other three partitions.


The above configuration has been working perfectly since

last September, but just this weekend, I have been having

some strange problems.


On Saturday morning, I booted up the machine, loaded

Windows NT and logged in as normal. I received an error

message telling me that "at least one" service had failed

to start up. On inspection of the event log, I found that

Remote Access had failed to start, since it could not

find one of it's configured devices (my USR Sporster on

COM 2). This means that I cannot use Dial-up Networking,

or anything else that relies on Remote Access, to access the

Internet, so I was, understandably, a little annoyed.


I dug out my Windows NT setup disks and installation CD-ROM

and repaired the installation. This worked for a time. I

re-installed Service Pack 5 from CD and rebooted and then

re-installed my graphics and sound drivers and rebooted

again. Then I re-installed the drivers for my modem (which

I had obtained a while ago from 3Com's site). Strangely

(or maybe not) I found that I could not re-install

Internet Explorer 5 (it told me that a previous setup

operation had not been completed). After a few more reboots,

The problem with the Remote Access occurred again, and I

found that when I tried to open the Modem section of the

Control Panel, nothing happened.


So, I reformatted Drive C and reinstalled Windows NT. Again,

I reapplied Service Pack 5 and my graphics, modem and sound

drivers. I then installed Netscape, Winamp and Microsoft

Flight Simulator 98. On trying to install IE5, I was again

told that a previous setup operation had not been completed.

I deleted some IE setup text files from C:\WINNT, rebooted

and it installed flawlessly.


After a couple of reboots, the problems with Remote Access

reoccured, and I am currently unable to access the Modem

properties page in the Control Panel. Remote Access is

obviously unable to access modem information as well, as the

error states that it cannot find the configured devices.

This means I am currently without Internet access under

Windows NT.


I am at a loss as to what to do next. Please could someone

offer some advice?

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so how you getting here, Thur Win98 or Linux ?.

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the only thing I can think of is check the com port i/o & irq address in the Control Panel all so try manual set it up.

I don't this will help but may check it out go in to the bios make sure PnP OS = NO.

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After re-installing NT yet again, I think I have found the problem - namely Flight Shop Converter 98, which is used to convert aircraft designed for old versions of MS Flight Sim for use with Flight Sim 98. I'll add it to the compatibility pages.

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