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remove win 2000 boot manager

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I set my computer up to dual boot into 98 and 2000. I have removed 2000, but I can't get rid of the boot manager. Is there a way to do this without formatting everything?

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Edit the boot.ini and set timeout=0. This doesn't really get rid of it, but at least you won't ever see it.

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boot in to Win98 dos prompt or a floppy boot disk.

Make sure both sys.com & fdisk.exe is on the floppy disk.

from harddisk

<tpye> fdisk /mbr

from flppy disk

<tpye> fdisk /mbr c:


from floppy or harddisk

<tpye> sys c:

all done


[This message has been edited by SHS (edited 27 March 2000).]

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Thank you for your help I no longer have the boot manager on my system. I knew about fdisk /mbr but the sys c: was new to me.

My thanks to you again.

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The commands "fdisk /mbr" remove the master boot record & re-creates new master boot record so that the dos bootsector will boot up.


The commands "sys c:" make the drive bootable agine it all so know as bootsector.

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