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Spastic Computer Guru

Default audio cd drive

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I want to change which drive is my default audio drive in Win 2K. In win98 it is in multimedia, on the cd music tab. Now either I am just blind or dumb, or it is somewhere else in 2K. Any one know where it is? confused

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On the Windows 2000 default cd player is the options button hit that then the preferance button and then advanced audio you can make and change your default drive from there.

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It's on the bottom left hand corner above the internet button of the windows default cd player it's self, you can't miss it !

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OK, this works when you want to listen to an Audio CD from a specific drive ... but it doesn't seem to work like the "select default Audio CD drive" in the Win9x multimedia setting ...


Because games seem to ignore whatever I select in the CD-Player, it seems that those options have not much to do with the "default audio cd drive" settings, more like an option to select a different volume setting/audio mixer for different CD drives ...


The only way to get CD-audio in games was to connect the audio cable back to my first CD drive.


hmmm, this gives me another idea ... maybe when I just change the driveletters of the drives ... ?

I'll try that later today since I'm at work right now.


I don't want to use my CDROM for audio CD's since it makes an audible hiss while accessing CDROM's (like installing stuff). I don't have this prob on my CD-R.

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Here the follow up:


Yes, my idea has proven correct.

Win2000 defaults the audio CD player to the CD drive with the lowest driveletter.


Now I can use my CD-R again as my default audio CD player (driveletter lower then CDROM).

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