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Restoring Audio Cd Player

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Originally when i installed Win2k Pro (clean install), every time i popped an audio cd into either of my cdrom drives, Windows Cd Player would automatically open and begin playing the cd. Recently, this feature has stopped working. The auto-run feature is still enabled, but everytime i load an audio cd, i get the following message:



Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied.


I am running the machine as an admin, and have only changed sharing permissions on a seperate drive to allow network access.

How can i restore Windows Cd Player to run whenever i place an audio cd into my cd rom drives?



"Contrary to popular belief, there are many forms of ignorance, not all of which are bliss."

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1. Go to your \WINNT\INF directory.

2. Edit SYSOC.INF and delete all of the HIDE words.

3. Save the file.

4. Go into Control Panel, ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS, Add/Remove Windows Components, Accessories and Utilities,Multimedia.

5. You should see CDplayer. Deselect it a and press OK,OK...until your out of all of the boxes.

6. Restart system

7. Go back into ADD/Remove and add CDplayer back.

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