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JimmyK... ass?

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This guy was a real ass to me. Be careful what you post. He may beat you down.


Example. here was my origional post, jims responce, and my responce.


You judge.



I am selling the following hardware.

Email me at freekietah@ezonline.com

Msg on aim at W a r e z Drez. <- remove those spaces in the first word of my name.

Here is what I am selling.

8mb 2d/3d s3 virge velocity video card. pci

Diamond Monster mx 300 sound card. pci

Ne2000 10mbit combo cat5/coax nic card. isa

Ensoniq sound card. isa

Generic 10 mbit nic. isa

Generic 10 mbit nic. isa

Radio Shack 2 port game controler card. isa

Telepath 33.6 modem. isa

Ms wheel mouse. ps2

Gateway 2000 104+ keyboard. ps2

Ms sidewinder game pad pro. Gameport

Ms sidewinder Joystick pro. Gameport

Generic joystick. Gameport

Generic 4 port printer switch. parallel port


Ass, er Jim:

this is not a forsale and trade forum if ud idnt notice.

There are forums/pages made specifically for that like www.agn3d.com or www.anadtech.com

Secondly thisis an international forum there are MANY MANY people who arent in the continental USA. So please remove this post, nobody reply to it, or the moderator should lock it.



Dude, I ment no harm by it. Your are an ass.



What a jerk.

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whaaa whaa whaaaa cry cry who f**king cares?


I don't, I'm sure many others don't either.


However there is a simple solution, IGNORE IT. This is a message forum, whoop de do someone posted a message you didn't like....and?......how does this change anything?.....it doesn't....so just ignore it and move on.......

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Originally posted by EddiE314:
i agree with seldzar. i get pissed off too.

hahahaha! my old friend EddiE050 agrees with Seldzar (who said just to IGNORE the message you don't like). Let me remind you people EddiE050's reply to an old post from me:

Please DO check it out, it's typical from this e-fascist bully (please read also http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/001587.html and "Unkoon2000 - You let me know if you want a copy of Windows for Workgroups.
Okay people. Read this post, its a prime example of a dumbass that doesn't know how to use an operating system. If you don't like it. Don't come here to b1tch and complain." in http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/001929.html; read the answers that follow please. This e-fascist bully (with absolutely no life always agrees with Seldzar (380+posts) "I believe i'll have to agree with Seldzar.SHUT THE F*** UP PEOPLE!!!!!" but if a newbie posts something he replies like in above. Your judgment... (my opinion is that he should leave this forum; and i thing i justified enough my opinion)

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I have not always agreed with Seldzar, in the past i have been an a$$hole to him. but he has a point just like you may have a point about me, but you know what??I don't give a sh1t. Hmm, must've taken you a few hours to dig those pages up, or did they upset you soooo much that you wrote them down. Sounds like you have no life son.


Oh, what does Seldzar's number of posts have to do with me? And I think most people will agree that when a post is sooo da*ned stupid, you kinda have to respond, Unlike Arin, i didn't isolate a single person (JimmyK) and say sh1t about him behind his back. I've never had a prob with JimmyK, but I have r0ck0, but you don't see me posting topics about how he is an a$$hole, r0ck0 probably feels the same about me but at least he hasn't posted a comment about me like Arin did JimmyK. Maybe JimmyK is a complete a$$hole, but the things he says are his opinion, this is a message forum for god's sake, 70-80% of anything on said on here are opinions.


Have a Nice Day. smile



[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 10 April 2000).]

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Whatever, I put it in the other section, becasue it was Other material. The meaning of the origional post was becasue I was angry, He told everyone not to post on my topic. What an ass! I wanted to sell stuff, help people, and this guy ****s me over and Tells everyone not to post, so of course people are not going to post, and i knew if he saw this, he would realize he was an ass hole. This is a message forum, I posted a msg.

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fact 1:

Seltzar: "However there is a simple solution, IGNORE IT. This is a message forum, whoop de do someone posted a message you didn't like....and?......how does this change anything?.....it doesn't....so just ignore it and move on.......

fact 2:

EddiE050: "i agree with seldzar.(=to ignore the messages you don't like)

fact 3:

Originally posted by EddiE314:

And I think most people will agree that when a post is sooo da*ned stupid, you kinda have to respond,


...what can i say more?

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Hehe, funny stuff here.


[This message has been edited by Arin (edited 11 April 2000).]

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what the f*ck are you talking about, who gives a sh1t, and Arin, the point of me also trying to sell stuff was to do you a prop to keep people from talking sh1t about you.

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Ok eddie, thanks. There should be a sell buy forum on here.

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