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How-to get Sound in Red Hat 8

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P4S533_MX with AD1980 Sound on board

SiS 7012 chipset

Red Hat linux 8 completely updated (2.4.18-20 I believe)

I have read a lot on the subject of Alsa and have found many links to attempted explainations but it just all gets me more and more confused. I have spent a great deal of time finally getting linux installed, the eth0 working and successfully upgrading. After the or four complete re-installs, I do not want to do anything to jeopardize stability but I would sure like to get the sound working. I removed my SB because I read somewhere that two cards can cause problems but it didn't make a difference on its own although I didn't think it would. Can anyone give me or point me to directions for the novice in installing Alsa, if that is actually the answer to my problem

Thanks all

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