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dual boot

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I have already installed windows 98 and windows 2000 in two different hard disks, and I want if possible to have the possibility to boot with one or the other oprating system. I want to know what must I change (boot.ini,...) to have this possibility.

thank You


Paul emmanuel

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In windows 2000 in startup you can select which OS to use by default, and make it start automatically if you so desire...


I'm doing that with mine because I've not used 98 in months and don't want that 3 sec delay. :P

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but I have made the two installation separately and it never don't give me the choice in all case. ( I must specify somewhere were is win98, but I don't know where and the syntax...)


Thank you

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here is how it works; win98 must be installed first, then win2k, also, i recommend to format your new partition where win2k will sit on, and DO NOT FORMAT IT OR CHANGE IT TO NTFS!!! if you do, then win98 will not be able to boot.


if you've installed win98 first and win2k afterward, then everything is done by the systems, and you dont have to edit anything, but just in case, edit your boot.ini file to change this.



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Are they both clean installs seperate of one another? As in, did you install Win2K while booted in Win98? If so it should have taken care of it for you. If not, the easiest way to do it is to format the Win2K drive and then boot into Win98. Then install Win2K to the newly formatted drive. Presto chango you have dual boot.

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here is my boot.ini Have my single hdd partitioned in two the with win2k on logical drive c: and windows Me on logical drive D:


[boot Loader]




[Operating Systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect

C:\="Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition"


Hope this helps somehow

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