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Excellent site for overclockers

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Very interesting and informative.




Written on Win2000 using:

PII 300

Aopen AX6B

160mb RAM

i740 8mb

SBLive! Value

20gb Seagate

6gb WDCaviar

1.2gb Segate

Pioneer 32x CD-R (Slot)

Lifeview FlyVideo '98 FM

Realtek RTL8029AS 10mbit

Accton EN1660 10mbit

Aztech 3858W 56k modem

Osborne MO117 17"


Using 100% Australian Made recyclable electrons

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im guessing english the creators 2nd language, i dont think 1 word is spelt right

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Cool site indeed ...

Strange lifeform though.

The language must be an alien dialect synthesized from various human and extra-terrestrial phonems and syntaxes gathered by some Seti programme somewhere in the outer space.

I wonder if this thing could be JdulMage him...itself...



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