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Al Gore trying to steal the election.

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If this is truly an "other" thread, well I figured it's suitable for this truly "other" topic. I have been a member of this site for over two years now and I have seen patterns in members here. I feel I know everyone. Anyways... I have to get this off of my chest and see how you guys feel.


Al Gore scares me. The man is impulsive, untrustworthy, inconstant, power-hungry, and worst of all...he's just a suit. This latest escapade in Florida is a perfect example of his and his campaign's mindset. He will do whatever it takes.... WHATEVER IT TAKES, to become the president. He has no respect for the law and the officials of Florida. How can a man like this lead our nation?


The first recount was understandable. Florida law makes a recount mandatory if a difference between candidate's votes is within a certain range. The race was this close, so understandably, Florida had a recount.


Bush not only one the first count, but he had now one the second, by 327 votes.


This was not good enough for Gore. Gore, untrusting of the government of Florida (says a lot about his politics), ordered a HAND recount. Hand recounts are not more accurate, but less accurate than machine counts because they are subject to mischief, human error, and bias. They should never have had the hand count. But nonetheless, Bush won again, by 300 votes.


Bush:3 Gore:0


I forget the Judge's name, but anyway... he ordered a mandatory deadline of 5:00 on Tuesday for the recount to be finished in all counties. In his judgement he gave Secretary of State Katherine Harris the authority to use her judgement in deciding what to do in the event that deadline could not be met. She used her judgement wisely, and following the law perfectly, she stated that she would not certify any results that came after that deadline.


Again, this put Gore's panties in a wad. So now he was out to fight this at the Florida Supreme Court. Another challenge to the legal system by Gore.


Well thankfully, the Supreme Court Judge ruled that Mrs. Harris was justified in her statement. Her decision was upheld... therefore she does not have to certify any counted ballads submitted after 5:00pm Tuesday.


Well, since the LAW has apparently given Gore a disadvantage... he appealed. That's what's going on to this point.


If ever there were a case of a candidate trying to steal an election, this is it. Like the president before him, he's a crook. It completely disguists me just how ruthless a man he is. I am reminded of that Yugoslovian leader.. Milosevich(sp), who refused to step down from power, no matter the voice of the people.


Well thats good enough. On a final note... to those 19,000 voters in Palm Beah who are complaining that their vote didn't count because they voted twice... move out of the country. If you are dumb enough to vote twice on a presidential ballad, then either you shouldn't vote at all, or you should leave. Did you not see the BIG BLACK ARROWS?



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I voted for Nader, so don't blame me.(And I'm in Illinois)


Personally, I feel this election was a joke.


It wasn't a vote of who was better..but rather a vote of who scared the hell out of you the least.


Gore won the popular vote--so by that aspect Gore should win.


But the United States is f*cked up. We have the electoral college bull****.


But since we have it..it seems that Bush should have won.


He's won the first round by over a thousand votes

Recount by law? ok. fine with me.

Bush won again? Ok. get him in the White house.

What is this? Some stupid people that make davidnewbould seem relatively intelligent can't follow an arrow? Or worse yet, don't understand you can only vote once?


Well fine. throw their votes out, good. Their votes shouldn't count if that's how dumb they are.


Personally, I'd rather have an idiot(Bush) than a liar(Gore).


One can hire smarter aids, but one can't hire honest people to mask lies.



I still say I should move to Canada or something.

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I actually have been saying I should move to Canada too... lol.



We have a system, albeit perhaps not the best, but a system nonetheless. It has been that way for 200+ years. Just because Gore can't get his way and that there were 19,000 idiots in Florida doesn't mean we should change or undermine the system.


The electorial college was a wonderful idea in 1776, and in some ways it's good now. If we didnt have it, a president could win the election by just winning new york, california, florida and pennsylvania. with the Electorial college, it makes it necessary for a president to campaign in all 50 states... because each counts more.


What makes it funky is this... California has 50 something electorial votes.. and so does new york. That's huge compared to Rhode Island's 3 or 2 or whatever. So this seems to defeat the purpose. Here, the bigger state obviously still has more power.


Anyways...Bush will be our president whenever Gore is done crying over it.

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I think I'll stay here in the US, if only for the more attractive women. laugh



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well im not going to give you a history lesson on the electoral college but as it was put briefly the main point is so a candidate has to campaign in all 50 states. Its also setup so if you do win the majority of big states (NY,Cali,Texas, whatnot) that you still can't win unless you actually win some of the smaller states too. Personally i don't give a rats ass who is the president because he doesnt really do much. The main factor in the country is still the economy which is run by greenspan not the POTUS. As long as the economy is fine and the government keeps their hands fairly clean off it then everything will be fine. Unless international Crisis or something hits. Either way you should care more about your congressmen and senators than the president.


The biggest tragedy was Hillary Clinton winning the state of NY for senate. Please excuse me while i shoot myself in the head and then hang myself to make sure im dead.

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Oh man you hit the nail right on top of the head. I can't believe that she won. It's sickening. What could possibly be going through the minds of the New Yorkers who voted her in? What the heck is going on? It's a disgrace.


As for your comment about Greenspan, although I didn't say it in my original post, you are completely correct. Alan Greenspan runs the economy, not the President. You know who else helped the economy more than the presedent over the last 8 years? Bill Gates. Think what you will about him... he has played a very major role. Think about it.


The electoral college began when there were 13 states, not 50. In that time barely anybody knew how to read, and on top of that were not informed as we are today (tv etc). Another reason for the electoral college was because leaders felt that the general public would make uninformed decisions regarding their vote. The votes would be tallied then it would be left to the good judgement of the informed and educated electoral college to elect the president.


Back to the topic at hand. Gore and his campaign are now appealing the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court that has ok's Harris's decision. Man they just won't give up until baby Gore stops wining.


Although Gore was not my pick for president, I at least had respect for him.... until now. I surely hope that the Democratic party does not nominate him in 2004. It would be an aweful decision on their part to do so. He, and Clinton for that matter, have done their fare share to make the Democrats look like the biggest idiots on earth. They need something different.


And its true that in this election, we were voting between bad and worse... and we were voting AGAINST somebody rather than FOR somebody.


How about that election in Missouri? The dead guy one the election. Again, what in the hell is going through people's minds today? I think we all shoulda voted for Abraham Lincoln. Sure he's dead, but man o man would he be a good president! I mean, this boggles my mind even more than the Hillary Clinton thing.


Sheesh. The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.



[This message has been edited by Sandoval (edited 18 November 2000).]

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Bush is an idiot, Gore is a two-faced robot. Either way, we (USA) lose.


BTW, I voted for Nader just 'cause I couldn't stomach the thought of voting for either of those pinheads.






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The only thing that I question about your reply clutch is this...


when it is obvious that Nadar has no chance to win.... why not use your vote to help support the better candidate from one of the major parties?


I'm not saying what you did was wrong, dont take it the wrong way. I'm just curious.

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Believe me, I wondered about whether or not I was going to "throw away" my vote. But like I said, I just couldn't stand to vote for either of them, yet I felt compelled to vote anyway. I wanted Sen. Dole to run, but that wasn't going to happen. So, I voted for Nader. I knew he wouldn't win, but that wasn't the point. I think that both parties now realize that EVERY vote really DOES count, and that almost anyone can be considered a "contender", and take away those precious votes from you. I would have to say that I am mosly a fan of Republicans (Reagan, Bush [the former pres], Dole, etc.), but GWB is a pinhead puppet, that is being dragged around by his party. And Gore just doesn't have a spine. I just hope this ends soon, and that whichever one does win is not a "sore winner".






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Oh, and one more thing, I can't believe that she got NY either. That, and the dead guy won. And to think that other nations in the world are fighting to get the freedom of choice that we have. Well, I just hope that they don't pay attention to what choices we have, or they may lose interest...








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I'll respond to the Missouri one.


My grandparents and uncle live in Missouri, and I've spent a lot of time there. Carnahan was VERY Well respected and liked in that state. It was heartbreaking for them to hear that he had died, because he was going to be the landslide win.


However, his wife(the one that will take the office) is also well respected, much the same way with the Dole's.(Bob wasn't going to run...but there were rumors and speculation that his wife might--and a lot of people I know said they'd be voting for her.)


Missourians didn't make a mistake or do something stupid, they voted either out of respect for what Carnahan did and felt his wife would continue to do, or they voted because they didn't like the other guy.



Just think of if Clinton died, and Hillary took over. The country wouldn't like her, but she'd probably be competent enough to run the nation well.


Luckily all you NYers have to find out how that will go :P

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I figured that the missouri guy must've been extremely well respected for him to win even in death. Man, can you imagine being the other guy? What a blow to the self esteem!



That makes sense. This was the first election I was old enough to vote in. I was very disappointed in the candidates I had to chose from. And it's funny you mention that you voted for Nader with the idea that you would be voting AGAINST the other guys. Well in one of my earlier posts I mentioned that's this whole election was... everybody voting AGAINST somebody else.

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it's too bad nader didn't get that 5% he needed though..... i know around here he got about 12%

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heh....in canada we are going through some election garbage. We have our liberal prime minister (your version of president!) running against the newcomers. Two fellows, stockwell day from canadian alliance and Joe Clark from PC are looking into possible crimes the prime minister has commited. Office abuse, one has lawyers looking into it, the other has RCMP investigating. ITS A GOD DAMN MESS!

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but Stockwell Day better win, because the rest of them suck and Jean is getting way too old and he is starting to slip under the ice.


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 19 November 2000).]

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I don't care. I didn't vote in the US elections, because i'm european.


PS: Wouldn't it be easier if you voted again, instead of continuous judicial desitions?

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It might be easier, be it wouldn't be fair.


All of those people who realize that their vote for someone other than the major 2 parties would [finally realize that their vote does count] and vote for one of the major parties, which isn't fair to everyone else who voted RIGHT the first time and don't get to re-think their decidsion.



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Exactly. We vote on election day. We don't keep voting until somebody is happy with the results.


This country would be turned upside down if a re-vote was held. Mainly the reason being.. it's unconstitutional.

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Originally posted by Sandoval:
Exactly. We vote on election day. We don't keep voting until somebody is happy with the results.This country would be turned upside down if a re-vote was held. Mainly the reason being.. it's unconstitutional.

Exactly. We have a constitutional process that will handle it all, should the need arise. It could be a lot worse. Check out the current issue at www.theonion.com to see just how much! laugh

"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999

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Great site! That had me occupied for quite some time.


Hey, it COULD happen!

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Well, the vote has been certified. Bush won Florida.



It should be, but Gore is still wining... so let's wait another two weeks.


For the first time in history, a candidate is contesting the outcome of an election. Just what does this say about Gore? I could come up with a few real good words... but I don't feel like it. I'm so tired of him.

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