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Gambler FEX online

x-box and the controller

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check this picture out:



ok here is what I have to say, the controllers + dial (up-down-left-right) is concerning me. If they are not a real + but more like an o with dots (hope you're following me here) it's hard to hit left without touching up or down or hold up or down withouth dipping to left or right.


The Nintendo has a +, the playstation has a + but for instance microsofts controllers (and gravis/logitech controllers too) has a o (circle) pad!


This is just my experience so far, but I just wanto warn you dont be surprised if you find the controls a little difficult in certain games when the x-box is out.




I have Bomberman for nintendo. if you remember it, good, I can go on with the story. It was easy to run around the square corners to hide from a bomb with the regular nintendo controller (+ pad), however I wanted to play with my friends too and bough more controllers (cheapo ones with some wierd 0 pads). I played with those a lot when playing with my friends and moving around corners got much harder. I had to do a clear and swift move.


right and down


simple as that


however with the new cheap controller with the o pad I very often touched right and right+down resulting in just right+right.


I now have a Microsoft sidewinder pro and are having great difficulties in games like Final fantasy 7/8 and rollcage 2. Going through menus and choosing attacks quickly is impossible because I have to be careful and make sure a left dont become a left+up and then I cast attack on my own team instead of the enemies.


Thanks for reading

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well, how would you know how hard or not it is, do you do test runs for Microsoft with the X-Box, do you own an X-Box? probably not..most people thought that with the way the dreamcast or n64 controller looks, but it was fine in the end. In order to perform more things, you need more buttons.

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man, who cares about the damned controller!? i don't know about you or anyone else but i am able to "adapt". If it bothers you that much, don't buy an XBox, or just wait for a company like Mad Catz to release a controller with an "+" directional pad, i'm sure it won't run you more that $30 US.

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