CUViper 0 Posted January 7, 2001 come on admins, enough of the a-s-s censoring! Please just set it to censor the word a-s-s, not all words containing it. There are plenty of English words that contain those letters that are not at all vulgar. If not, at least give us a reason! This may be overboard, but to illustrate the point, here's a list of words with a-s-s that are not vulgar: adm*** adm***es Ag***iz aggravated ***ault airman first cl*** air m*** am*** am***ed am***er am***ers am***es am***ing am***ment am***ments amb***ador amb***ador-at-large amb***adorial amb***adors amb***adors-at-large amb***adorship amb***adorships amb***adress amb***adresses Andr***y anti***imilation anticl***ical antimac***ar antimac***ars Aransas P*** art gl*** *** ***agai ***agais ***ai ***ail ***ailable ***ailant ***ailants ***ailed ***ailing ***ails ******in ******inate ******inated ******inates ******inating ******ination ******inations ******inator ******inators ******in bug ******ins ***ault ***ault boat ***aulted ***aulter ***aulters ***aulting ***aultive ***aultively ***aultiveness ***aultivenesses ***ault rifle ***aults ***ault weapon ***ay ***ayed ***ayer ***ayers ***aying ***ays ***ed ***egai ***egais ***emblage ***emblages ***emblagist ***emblagists ***emble ***embled ***embler ***emblers ***embles ***emblies ***embling ***embly ***embly language ***embly line ***emblyman ***emblymen ***emblywoman ***emblywomen ***ent ***entation ***entations ***ented ***enter ***enters ***enting ***entor ***entors ***ents ***ert ***erted ***ertedly ***erting ***ertingly ***ertion ***ertions ***ertive ***ertively ***ertiveness ***ertivenesses ***ertiveness training ***ert oneself ***erts ***es ***ess ***essable ***essed ***esses ***essing ***essment ***essments ***essor ***essors ***et ***ets ***everate ***everated ***everates ***everating ***everation ***everations ***everative ***hole ***holes ***iduities ***iduity ***iduous ***iduously ***iduousness ***iduousnesses ***ign ***ignabilities ***ignability ***ignable ***ignat ***ignation ***ignations ***ignats ***igned ***igned risk ***ignee ***ignees ***igner ***igners ***igning ***ignment ***ignments ***ignor ***ignors ***igns ***imilabilities ***imilability ***imilable ***imilate ***imilated ***imilates ***imilating ***imilation ***imilationism ***imilationisms ***imilationist ***imilationists ***imilations ***imilative ***imilator ***imilators ***imilatory ***ist ***istance ***istances ***istant ***istant professor ***istant professorship ***istants ***istantship ***istantships ***isted ***isting ***ists ***ize ***izes ***n ***oc ***ociate ***ociated ***ociate professor ***ociate professorship ***ociates ***ociateship ***ociateships ***ociating ***ociation ***ociational ***ociation area ***ociation football ***ociationism ***ociationisms ***ociationist ***ociationistic ***ociationists ***ociations ***ociative ***ociative learning ***ociatively ***ociative neuron ***ociativities ***ociativity ***oil ***oiled ***oiling ***oilment ***oilments ***oils ***onance ***onances ***onant ***onantal ***onants ***ort ***ortative ***ortatively ***orted ***orter ***orters ***orting ***ortment ***ortments ***orts ***t ***td ***uage ***uaged ***uagement ***uagements ***uages ***uaging ***uasive ***umabilities ***umability ***umable ***umably ***ume ***umed ***umes ***uming ***umpsit ***umpsits ***umption ***umptions ***umptive ***urance ***urances ***ure ***ured ***uredly ***uredness ***urednesses ***ureds ***urer ***urers ***ures ***urgent ***uring ***uror ***urors ***y atomic m*** atomic m*** unit audioc***ette audioc***ettes aviator gl***es bab***u bab***us bad*** bad***es bag***e bag***es Bahia gr*** band-p*** filter barnyard gr*** B*** b*** b*** clef b*** drum B***e B***ein b***es b***et B***e-Terre B***eterre b***et hound b***et hounds b*** fiddle b*** horn b***i b***inet b***inets b***i-rilievi b***ist b***ists b***o b***oon b***oonist b***oonists b***oons b***o profundo b***o profundos b***o-relievo b***o-relievos b***o-rilievo b***os B*** Strait b*** viol b***wood b***woods beach gr*** bear gr*** bent gr*** Bermuda gr*** Berthoud P*** beta-thal***emia beta-thal***emias bi***ed bi***es bi***ing bio***ay bio***ayed bio***aying bio***ays biom*** biom***es bird of p***age black b*** Black M*** blue-eyed gr*** bluegr*** bluegr***es Bobo-Dioul***o Bolan P*** borosilicate gl*** br*** br***ard br***ards br*** band br***bound br*** collar Democrat br***erie br***eries br***es br*** hat br***ica br***icas br***ier br***iere br***ieres br***iest br***ily br***iness br***inesses br*** instrument br*** knuckles br*** ring br*** tacks br***y Brenner P*** bromegr*** bromegr***es buck p***er buck-p***ing buck-p***ings buffalo gr*** bunchgr*** bunchgr***es byp*** byp***ed byp***es byp***ing cabin cl*** Cajon P*** calico b*** cam*** cam***es canv*** canv***ed canv***er canv***ers canv***es canv***ing carc*** carc***es Carc***onne carn***ial carn***ials cased gl*** case gl*** C*** C***andra C***andras C***att c***ava c***avas c***erole c***eroles c***ette c***ettes c***ia c***ias c***imere c***imeres C***in C***ini C***ini division C***ini's C***ini's division C***ino c***ino C***iodorus C***iopeia C***iquiare c***is c***ises c***iterite c***iterites C***ius C***ius Longinus c***ock c***ocks c***oulet c***oulets c***owaries c***owary center of m*** channel b*** character ******ination ch***e ch***ed ch***eing ch***epot ch***epots ch***es ch***eur ch***eurs Ch***id Ch***idim ch***is cheval gl*** Christm***y Circ***ia Circ***ian Circ***ians Circ***ian walnut cl*** cl*** act cl*** action cl***-conscious cl*** consciousness cl***ed cl***es cl***ic cl***ical cl***ical conditioning cl***icalities cl***icality cl***ically cl***icism cl***icisms cl***icist cl***icistic cl***icists cl***icize cl***icized cl***icizes cl***icizing cl***ico cl***ics cl***icus cl***ier cl***iest cl***ifiable cl***ification cl***ifications cl***ificatory cl***ified cl***ifier cl***ifiers cl***ifies cl***ify cl***ifying cl***iness cl***inesses cl***ing cl*** interval cl***is cl***ism cl***isms cl***ist cl***less cl***lessness cl***lessnesses cl***mate cl***mates cl***ness cl***room cl***rooms cl***y cocktail gl*** come to p*** comp*** comp***able comp*** card comp***ed comp***es comp***ing comp***ion comp***ionate comp***ionated comp***ionately comp***ionateness comp***ionatenesses comp***ionates comp***ionating comp***ionless comp***ions comp*** plant comp*** rose conservation of m*** contrab*** contrab***es contrab***ist contrab***ists contrab***oon contrab***oons cordgr*** cordgr***es cotton gr*** couch gr*** couch gr***es counter***ault counter***aulted counter***aulting counter***aults cover gl*** crabgr*** crabgr***es cr*** cr***er cr***est cr***itude cr***itudes cr***ly cr***ness cr***nesses Cr***us crested wheatgr*** crev***e crev***es critical m*** crown gl*** cuir*** cuir***ed cuir***es cuir***ier cuir***iers cur***ow cur***ows current ***ets cut gl*** cut-gr*** cut-gr***es cutl*** cutl***es Dallis gr*** d***ie d***ies decl*** decl***e decl***ed decl***es decl***ification decl***ifications decl***ified decl***ifies decl***ify decl***ifying decl***ing deg***ed deg***es deg***ing demit***e demit***es Depression gl*** Dewey decimal cl***ification Dionysius of Halicarn***us Dioul***o dis***emble dis***embled dis***embles dis***emblies dis***embling dis***embly dis***ociate dis***ociated dis***ociates dis***ociating dis***ociation dis***ociations disembarr*** disembarr***ed disembarr***es disembarr***ing disp***ion disp***ionate disp***ionately disp***ionateness disp***ionatenesses disp***ions Donb*** Donner P*** Dos P***os double b*** double b***ist double b***oon Dougl*** Drake P***age dressing gl*** drop p*** Eagle P*** eelgr*** eelgr***es elephant gr*** Els*** Embarr*** embarr*** embarr***able embarr***ed embarr***edly embarr***es embarr***ing embarr***ingly embarr***ment embarr***ments emb***age emb***ages emb***ies emb***y encomp*** encomp***ed encomp***es encomp***ing encomp***ment encomp***ments en m***e en p***ant enzyme-linked immunosorbent ***ay equivalence cl*** esparto gr*** eyegl*** eyegl***es fibergl*** fibergl***ed fibergl***es fibergl***ing fibregl*** fibregl***es field gl*** figured b*** first cl*** first-cl*** flint gl*** float gl*** folk m*** forep***ed form cl*** forward p*** fourth cl*** foxtail gr*** fr*** fr***es free-***ociate free-***ociated free-***ociates free-***ociating free ***ociation free-***ociative Frejus, M***if du fric***ee fric***eed fric***eeing fric***ees galle*** galle***es gallowgl*** gallowgl***es gama gr*** gama gr***es g***ed G***er g***er g***ers g***es G***et g***ier g***iest g***ily g***iness g***inesses g***ing g***y general ***embly Gl*** gl*** gl***blower gl***blowers gl***blowing gl***blowings gl*** ceiling gl***ed gl***es gl*** eye gl***-eyed gl*** eyes gl*** fiber gl***ful gl***fuls gl*** harmonica gl***house gl***houses gl***ie gl***ier gl***ies gl***iest gl***ily gl***ine gl***ines gl***iness gl***inesses gl***ing gl*** jaw gl***less gl***maker gl***makers gl***making gl***makings gl***paper gl***papered gl***papering gl***papers gl*** snake gl*** sponge gl***ware gl***wares gl*** wool gl***work gl***worker gl***workers gl***works gl***wort gl***worts gl***y gl***y-eyed goosegr*** goosegr***es granny gl***es Gr*** gr*** gr*** carp gr*** cloth gr*** court Gr***e gr***ed gr***es gr***hopper gr***hoppers gr***ier gr***iest gr***ing gr***land Gr***lands gr***lands Gr***lands National Park gr***less gr***like Gr***o gr***root gr*** roots gr***roots gr*** tree gr*** widow gr*** widower gr***y ground b*** ground gl*** groundm*** groundm***es guinea gr*** gyrocomp*** gyrocomp***es Haile Sel***ie half-***ed Halicarn***us hand gl*** har*** har***ed har***er har***ers har***es har***ing har***ment har***ments hard-*** hard-***ed hard-***es hardinggr*** hardinggr***es H***am H***el H***elt H***id H***idic h***ium h***le h***led H***ler h***les h***ling h***ock h***ocks haul *** high-cl*** high m*** Hiw***ee horse's *** hourgl*** hourgl***es house of ***embly ils ne p***eront pas immuno***ay immuno***ayable immuno***ays imp***abilities imp***ability imp***able imp***ableness imp***ablenesses imp***ably imp***e imp***es imp***ibilities imp***ibility imp***ible imp***ibly imp***ion imp***ioned imp***ioning imp***ions imp***ive imp***ively imp***iveness imp***ivenesses imp***ivities imp***ivity indecent ***ault independent ***ortment in p***ing Inside P***age inter***ociation intercl*** isingl*** isingl***es jack*** jack***eries jack***ery jack***es j***id j***ids J***y johnsongr*** johnsongr***es joint gr*** jump p*** Jur***ic Karakoram P*** K***ala K***el K***erine K***erine P*** kelp b*** Kentucky bluegr*** Kentucky bluegr***es Khak***ia Khyber P*** kick *** kick-*** kiss *** knotgr*** knotgr***es kv*** kv***es laisser-p***er laissez-p***er laissez-p***ers landm*** landm***es largemouth b*** largemouth black b*** l*** L***a L***a fever L***alle L***en L***en Peak l***es l***ie l***ies l***itude l***itudes l***o l***oed l***oer l***oers l***oes l***oing l***os laughing jack*** law of independent ***ortment lead gl*** legislative ***embly lemongr*** lemongr***es Li***ic lime gl*** loci cl***ici locus cl***icus long-horned gr***hopper looking gl*** love gr*** Loveland P*** lower cl*** lower-cl*** lower cl***es low m*** Mac***ar Mac***arese Mak***ar Mak***arese Man***as Man***eh manna gr*** Marias P*** mariner's comp*** marram gr*** marram gr***es M*** m*** m***a M***achuset M***achusets M***achusett M***achusetts M***achusetts Bay m***acre m***acred m***acrer m***acrers m***acres m***acring m***age m***aged m***age parlor m***ager m***agers m***ages m***aging M***anutten M***anutten Mountain m***as m***asauga m***asaugas M***asoit M***awa m*** card m*** defect m*** driver m***e m***ed M***ena M***enet m***es m***eter m***eteric m***eters m***eur m***eurs m***euse m***euses M***ey m***ier m***iest M***if m***if M***if Central m***ifs M***ilia M***illon M***ine m***ing M***inger M***inissa M***ive m***ive m***ively M***ive, Mount m***iveness m***ivenesses m***less m***-market m*** media m*** medium m*** noun m*** number M***on M***orete m***-produce m***-produced m***-produces m***-producing m*** production m*** spectrograph m*** spectrometer m*** spectrometric m*** spectrometry m*** spectroscopy m*** spectrum m***y M***ys master cl*** Maup***ant Maurice of N***au meadow gr*** microc***ette microc***ettes middle cl*** middle-cl*** middle cl***es middle-cl***ness middle-cl***nesses milk gl*** mis***emble mis***embled mis***embles mis***embling mis***umption mis***umptions miscl***ification miscl***ifications miscl***ified miscl***ifies miscl***ify miscl***ifying Mist***ini mol***es mol***eses molecular m*** Mona P***age Montparn***e Montparn***ian mor*** mor***es mor***y napier gr*** N***au N***au Range N***er N***er, Lake neocl***ic neocl***ical neocl***icism neocl***icisms neocl***icist neocl***icists Ni***an non***ertive non***ociated noncl*** noncl***ical noncl***ified noncl***room nonp***erine nonp***ive Northwest P***age nut gr*** oat gr*** On***is opera gl*** optical gl*** orchard gr*** Ortega y G***et outcl*** outcl***ed outcl***es outcl***ing outg***ed outg***ing outlet p*** outp*** outp***ed outp***es outp***ing over***ert over***erted over***erting over***ertion over***ertions over***ertive over***erts over***essment over***essments overcl***ification overcl***ified overcl***ifies overcl***ify overcl***ifying overp*** overp***ed overp***es overp***ing paired-***ociate learning pair of comp***es palli***e palli***es pampas gr*** pangola gr*** panic gr*** parent-teacher ***ociation parfait gl*** pari p***u Parn***ian Parn***ians Parn***os Parn***us P*** p*** p***able p***ably p***acaglia p***acaglias p***ado p***adoes p***ados P***age p***age p***aged p***ages p***ageway p***ageways p***agework p***ageworks p***aging P***aic P***amaquoddy P***amaquoddy Bay p***ant p*** away p***band p***bands p***book p***books p*** degree p***e p***ed p***ed ball p***ed pawn p***el p***els p***ementerie p***ementeries p***enger p***enger pigeon p***engers p***e-partout p***e-partouts p***er p***erby p***erine p***erines P***ero P***ero, Cape p***eront p***ers p***ersby p***es p***-fail p***-fails P***field p***ible p***im p***ing p***ing note p***ings p***ing shot p***ing tone P***ion p***ion p***ional p***ionate p***ionately p***ionateness p***ionatenesses p***ionflower p***ionflowers p***ion fruit P***ionist P***ionists p***ionless p***ion play p***ions P***ion Sunday P***iontide P***iontides P***ion Week p***ivate p***ivated p***ivates p***ivating p***ivation p***ivations p***ive p***ive immunity p***ive immunization p***ively p***iveness p***ivenesses p***ive resistance p***ive restraint p***ives p***ive smoking p***ive transfer p***ivism p***ivisms p***ivist p***ivists p***ivities p***ivity p***key p***keys p*** muster p*** off P***os p*** out P***over p*** over P***overs p***port p***ports p*** the buck p*** the hat p*** the time of day p***-through p***-throughs p***u p*** up p***word p***words P***y peppergr*** peppergr***es petty officer first cl*** petty officer second cl*** petty officer third cl*** physician ***istant physician's ***istant pi***ava pi***avas Pic***o pier gl*** Pl***ey plate gl*** plategl*** play-action p*** postcl***ic postcl***ical pot***ic pot***ium pot***ium-argon pot***ium bromide pot***ium carbonate pot***ium chlorate pot***ium chloride pot***ium cyanide pot***ium dichromate pot***ium hydroxide pot***ium nitrate pot***ium permanganate pot***iums pot***ium sorbate pot***ium sulfate pre***embled pre***ign pre***igned pre***igning pre***igns private first cl*** pseudocl***ic pseudocl***icism pseudocl***icisms pseudocl***ics public ***istance purple p***age quack gr*** quality ***urance quartz gl*** qu***ia qu***ias quick ***ets radio comp*** radioimmuno***ay radioimmuno***ayable radioimmuno***ays re***emblage re***emblages re***emble re***embled re***embles re***emblies re***embling re***embly re***ert re***erted re***erting re***ertion re***ertions re***erts re***ess re***essed re***esses re***essing re***essment re***essments re***ign re***igned re***igning re***ignment re***ignments re***igns re***ume re***umed re***umes re***uming re***urance re***urances re***ure re***ured re***ures re***uring re***uringly recl***ification recl***ifications recl***ified recl***ifies recl***ify recl***ifying red-legged gr***hopper red m*** rep*** rep***age rep***ages rep***ed rep***es rep***ing residue cl*** rest m*** Rhodes gr*** ribgr*** ribgr***es rite de p***age rite of p***age rites de p***age rock b*** Rogers P*** rose-colored gl***es rough bluegr*** rub***e rub***es ruby gl*** ryegr*** ryegr***es safety gl*** saint augustine gr*** salt gr*** sandgl*** sandgl***es Sarg***o sarg***o sarg***os Sarg***o Sea sarg***um sarg***ums s*** s***afras s***afrases S***anian S***anians S***anid S***anids S***ari s***ed s***es s***ier s***iest s***ing S***oon s***y savings and loan ***ociation saw gr*** screen p*** scurvy gr*** sea b*** sea gr*** second cl*** second-cl*** Sel***ie self-***emble self-***embled self-***embles self-***emblies self-***embling self-***embly self-***erting self-***ertingly self-***ertion self-***ertions self-***ertive self-***ertively self-***ertiveness self-***ertivenesses self-***essment self-***essments self-***ignment self-***ignments self-***umption self-***umptions self-***urance self-***urances self-***ured self-***uredly self-***uredness self-***urednesses self-cl***ification self-cl***ifications semicl***ic semicl***ical semicl***ics sergeant first cl*** ***ual har***ment sheet gl*** short-gr*** prairie short-horned gr***hopper sic p***im Simplon P*** smallmouth b*** smallmouth black b*** smart-*** smart-***ed smart-***es snake in the gr*** solemn m*** South P*** special ***essment spot p*** spun gl*** spygl*** spygl***es stained gl*** star gr*** str*** Str***burg str***es string b*** striped b*** sub***emblies sub***embly subcl*** subcl***es subcl***ification subcl***ifications subcl***ified subcl***ifies subcl***ify subcl***ifying subv***al subv***als Sudan gr*** sungl*** sungl***es sung m*** supercl*** supercl***es superm***ive surp*** surp***able surp***ed surp***es surp***ing surp***ingly Swedish m***age switchgr*** switchgr***es sword gr*** Tallah***ee tall fescue gr*** tallgr*** tallgr*** prairie Tamanr***et tape gr*** t***e t***el t***eled t***eling t***elled t***elling t***els t***es T***o tearg***ed tearg***ing Terr***a thal***aemia thal***emia thal***emia major thal***emia minor thal***emias thal***emic thal***emics thal***ic thal***ocracies thal***ocracy thal***ocrat thal***ocrats third cl*** third-cl*** thoroughb*** thoroughb***es tourist cl*** tresp*** tresp***ed tresp***er tresp***ers tresp***es tresp***ing Tri***ic tussock gr*** un***ailabilities un***ailability un***ailable un***ailableness un***ailablenesses un***ailably un***ailed un***embled un***ertive un***ertively un***igned un***imilable un***imilated un***isted un***ociated un***uageable un***uaged un***uming un***umingness un***umingnesses uncl***ical uncl***ifiable uncl***ified uncomp***ionate undercl*** undercl***es undercl***man undercl***men underp*** underp***es unembarr***ed unimp***ioned unp***able unsurp***able unsurp***ed upper cl*** upper-cl*** upper cl***es uppercl***man uppercl***men Uspallata P*** v***al v***alage v***alages v***als venetian gl*** videoc***ette videoc***ette recorder videoc***ettes Vinson M***if volcanic gl*** votive m*** warmouth b*** w***ail w***ail bowl w***ailed w***ailer w***ailers w***ailing w***ails W***ermann W***ermann reaction W***ermann test W***erstein water gl*** weathergl*** weathergl***es wheatgr*** white b*** White P*** white sea b*** windl*** windl***ed windl***es windl***ing Windward P***age winegl*** winegl***es wire gr*** wise*** wise***es witchgr*** witchgr***es word-***ociation test word cl*** working ***et working cl*** working-cl*** world-cl*** wr***e wr***es writ of ***istance yard gr*** Share this post Link to post
EddiE314 0 Posted January 7, 2001 cool, nice list. <test> assassinate </test> Share this post Link to post
Son_Gohan 0 Posted January 7, 2001 Why censorship? is a word like /-a-s-s/ so offensive? This really suprises me. I've been in lots of forums, and they didn't censor anything. Could anybody explaint me why the ocasional use of "rude" words are not allowed in ntcompatible? Is it because people under 12 can also post here? Share this post Link to post
DosFreak 2 Posted January 7, 2001 It's probably a default censor by the BB software. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted January 7, 2001 Man, you must have A LOT of time on your hands!! I'm gonna give it a try though. Assume!! Share this post Link to post
CUViper 0 Posted January 7, 2001 No way I was gonna type that by hand.... that list is cut-and-paste from Merriam-Webster Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted January 8, 2001 Whew good!!! I surely was hoping you dindt type that by hand.. I was gonna suggest going to see a shrink!!! (not the NTCompatible "Shrink".. hehe) Share this post Link to post