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About to take an MCSE test

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I am going to take my NT 4.0 Workstation in about 3 hours. I have been taking the Microsoft PEP practice tests & TransCender practice tests & am averaging 96%. I have been studying out of 2 books, both Microsoft certified. I have been taking practice tests from ExamCram.com & the practice tests there are much different than the others. I was wondering if the real test is more like ExamCram, or the PEP & TransCender tests.


Thank you in advance.


btw, I have my A+, CNA, and the Networking Essentials tests passed. I am trying to get the MCP in 4.0, then go on to test in Win2k.



"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "

- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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I just made a 91% on ExamCram, so I guess it no longer matters if it is the same or different. I hope that is enough to pass the exam.



"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "

- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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For all that studying, the test will probably be a great surprise in its simplicity. A lot of RAS stuff on it though. If you are familiar with the question phrasing, you should do quite well. Good Luck.






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