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Brian Frank

Am I an Idiot?

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Am I an idiot?

Apparently JJ32, a new member seems to think so. I know Im not an IT level person, I still have enough knowledge to not be an idiot. While I do have my opinions and am not right on every issue, I dont see why this newcomer seems to think I am a complete moron.


If you want to know what Im talking about see the Windows9x/ME section and the "Am I the only one who thinks ME sucks?" post.

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If I were you, I wouldn't give a damn about what the other users in this forum think about you. How many people have flamed you or called you a moron? 1? 2? Doesn't seem to count much in the grand scheme of things, does it?






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now i have been flamed alot man, did you know that i have no knowledge of NT? I'm also a flame starter, you were always in my good book man, never had a prob with you, just don't ever visit A$$holeville, it sucks there, its cold as sh1t and they have no Burger King.




[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 28 March 2001).]

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I don't know anything either.









[This message has been edited by clutch (edited 28 March 2001).]

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Well, the flaming post seems to have finally died.

Now lets go over to the "I dont mean to everyone off...." post and put up some useless blabber.

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