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Now for a limited time only when you purchase your favorite flavour of Win2K server line you will get your choice of security hole!!! Whether it be DoS vulnerability, or the ever so exciting ActiveX vulnerability! Act now!

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firewall usually protects against that and Malicilous ActiveX is stopped by most Anti-virus software. I haven't had a major security breech on windows since 1998

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Statistics show that a majority of hacked webservers were win2k servers.

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Statistics also show that people don't like 2K bashing on a 2K-fan board.




My PC is warm. I think our fire wall is acting up.

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What statistics were these? Where did you get them? How about statistics showing which OS has the most "zombies" to their credit for DoS attacks? Holes are everywhere, that's how it is. You patch them and move on. Like the Notes hole found recently that allowed anyone with normal mail access to access any account on the server. That was a real winner. If you don't care for Windows, then why come here?






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Vampyr, are you saying that other OSes don't have holes? Hmm...wasn't there a virus written for Linux like 2 weeks ago? When you write OS like Win2k w/ millions of lines of codes of course there will be bugs. Don't tell me you can write a program that big without any flaws. But the bottom line is I think that you are posting this topic to piss off everyone here.


[This message has been edited by whoisurdaddy (edited 26 January 2001).]

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well, I think he was doing this to piss us off. He thinks that something like Linux is flawless? there are probably more holes in it, they just haven't been found. Most people don't understand why Windows has the bugs, well, it's very simple, no beta tester and no MS people found that bug during testing stages, it's eventually found and a patch comes out. It'll be much easier with Windows Whistler, because you have the option to send a bug report in, which means, service packs and patches come out faster.

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Well, technically, you've always had the ability to turn in a bug report, you just had to be un-lazy enough to go to their web site and do it.


Also, I'm theorizing that the 'File a bug report' link in the betas of Whistler is only for the betas, as that is what betas are for. Can you imagine how many bug report MS would get every hour? They don't have that kind of mail server capacity. wink



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It might be shown statistically that Windows servers have had the most problems with hackers.


Well duh.... look at the number of NT servers out there as compared with Unix, Novell, and other servers. So of course it will be the OS most often hacked.


And it's probably the easiest because everybody knows the ins and outs of Windows, whereas far fewer people know Unix and Novell in the same way.


That's all there is to it. NT (espically Windows 2000) is the absolute best server operating system to use when exceptional stability, ease of use, scalability, and easy administration is needed.

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Haha, Inferno2k called him a Moron, good job!

I hate 2k bashers, like Ryan "Lamer" Hart.

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">He thinks that something like Linux is flawless? there are probably more holes in it, they just haven't been found. </font>

Actually, they have been found. And are widely known. Linux has holes in it big enough to drive a truck through. And they can't really be patched without crippling the OS. Linux has all of the failings of UNIX. It just isn't publicized as much because the market share is so small. Now, if Microsoft ever brought out MS Linux, you'd see the bugs receive a lot of press time.

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Yeah, every OS has its own share of problems. Even though MS does do a thorough check of their OSs before offically releasing them, they'll still have some sort of problem. Id say its just due to the fact that Windows is the most prominant OS along with MS being the biggest software company. People probably hacked it just for the thrill of hacking Microsoft. I like Linux and all, but the networking is a snap on Win2k. Plus, Linux requires a bit more knowledge of the OS. When Linux gets to a place where it is much easier to use as a home OS, things might go the way of the Penguin. However right now MS has a the upper hand by a lot. Lets face it, I havent really seen to many programs out at Best Buy for Linux. Ive seen about the same amount out for the Mac too. When Linux gets to a point where there is an entire aisle set aside for Linux software, then we'll talk about the superior OS factor. Linux may be more stable than any of MS offerings, but pick any Windows version and it will be easier to use than Linux.

Most computer users wont care about the OS on their PC as long as it lets them do their stuff. For us techno geeks and nerds, we do. But we're not the majority of the population.

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Yup, when the majority of systems run Windows commen sence says that they will be hacked into more. Duh!

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What pisses me off is Novell users who believe all the ghost stories Novell plants spread.


They then attempt to argue that Novell is a better system simply because they've heard that Win2k crahed one time because of drivers.


As far as I'm concerned, it's not MS' fault, it's the lamer hardware companies who write sh1tty drivers that do things they shouldn't.


A prime case of this is the drivers that have been released for my LifeView FlyVideo. The previous version simply crahed my comp whenever I tried to access video properties.


Perhaps it's time for hardware to stop telling lies about MS and admit that it's their smackhead drivers that fork up people's systems.


MS provides them with the OS specs, how haed could it be to stick with them.


Here ends the soapbox rant. wink



Written on Win2000 using:

PII 300

Aopen AX6B

160mb RAM

Diamond Viper 770 32mb

Matrox Millenium2 2mb

SBLive! Value

20gb Seagate

6gb WDCaviar

1.2gb Seagate

Pioneer 32x CD-R (Slot)

Realtek RTL8029AS 10mbit

MAG 15DLS 15"

Osborne MO117 17"


Using 100% Australian Made recyclable electrons


[This message has not been edited by felix (edited 35 January 3001).]

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I hear you there. Win 2k is a great os. Shi**y half @ss drivers from hardware venders kill it. That should change though with XP on the horizon they will be forced to optimize drivers laugh

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Oh aren't Novell Administrators the best!! smile

I've had the pleasure to have known a couple, one who refuses to install any other server OS except Novell.

Now, here's the great thing.

Ever since Win2k & AD were repleased hystoricaly Novell only sites have been jumping ship - and fast.

AD isn't yet as powerfull as NDS, but it's close enough and the Novell boys are moving over to Win2k.

It isn't going to be long until Novell appears as a 'For Sale' company.

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Blade Runner, I know what you mean. Arent Novell Admin's pretty closed minded? I worked as a tech for a bank that was novell powered. The admin there was so pleasing that he was the main cause for a few disgruntled employees to quite (me included). His last words to me were "Have fun with your MS world!". Well, I wouldnt want it any different.

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Hmm...Windows 2000 is more popular, has better support, easy networking, stability.

I havent ever used Novell, but Ive seen more of BeOS than that, not that I care for BeOS, but Ive seen more books out for BeOS or Linux than for Novell.

Even if Novell is a superior OS, there diddly squat for it. Any OS has flaws, but MS is at the top by a big shot. Ive heard Windows in general runs on 90% of all computers combined. I like Linux, and Im very sure its here to stay, but Windows is a safe haven and I am very impressed with it.

Id really like to see Novell being supported enough to have Dell preinstall it on servers, just like Linux. Id say the d e a d OS award goes to Novell.


[This message has been edited by Brian Frank (edited 28 March 2001).]

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Brian, you may want to do a bit more research before you pass judgement on Novell. Just so you know, it isn't that Novell makes a poor product; not by a long shot. As a matter of fact, they populate 81% of Forbes 500 company networks. The problem is that it runs almost TOO well. They can't sell any upgrades, and that's killing them. They have been trying to get version 5 into the doors of theses companies and NDS (Novell Directory Services) with it. It's just that it's a tough sell when many networks are hummimng along with 3.x systems that haven't been rebooted in the last 2 or 3 years (yes, 2 or 3 years). And as far as Windows being on 90% of systems out there has more to do with home/workstation PCs rather than servers. Novell is in the server market, not the workstation market. Novell NEEDED MS to make client OSs so there would be something to connect to their server/network OS.


Another major problem was support. Their Client32 could kill just about any OS install that it had a slight issue with (similar to most Symantec products that I have seen ;)). But it was NEVER Novell's fault, even though they had a fix for it on their site. I'll tell ya, the first experience that I had with networks was Novell 3.11, and that system ran REALLY well. One server, and it would do pretty much anything you wanted. In addition, it was built to be managed while AWAY from the server, not from the console directly.


So, saying that they are "D E A D", while not ever having even used it, is a bit bold. It is a great system, but it is being done in by its outrageous cost and superior attitude. Novell did, however, recently purchase a large consulting company in the hopes that they can get back into enterprises and get NDS back on people's minds. Only time will tell...







[This message has been edited by clutch (edited 28 March 2001).]

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Clutch once again shuts down a thread where a lot of the posts pertain to something the posters don't even know about. hehe


bravo on that novell info.....ive worked with it some, but i did not know all that about it. thx. smile

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Oh, umm, sorry about that smile. I just feel that if I let this view perpetuate without intervening, then I am contibuting to it. I am pro MS and I love the NT methodology, I just want to make sure that people reading some of these posts get a balanced view of what is going on.






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Of all the OS's out there its not what Id call widespread. The only place where Ive seen the box of Novell is at work, but there primarily using Macs.

Didnt mean to pass judgement, not saying its a bad OS, but its pretty much little used to my knowledge, but I see that I was wrong about that one.

It sure must have its uses, or no one would have ever used it. Especially if companies in the Forbes top 500 use it.

I guess it would depend on what you need.

Microsoft must be doing something right if they have a good hold on the OS market.

Id never want to see just a Windows based environment, or just a Mac one, or a Linux one. There needs to be competition among the OS platforms, or their would be total world tion by one.


Thanx for the info, clutch.

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IT companies make money off of selling to other companies and corporations, that's why you don't see it that often. Cisco is huge, but you don't see a Cisco router or PIX in everybody's home, do you? The only reason most people even know Cisco exists is because of their marketing and their sheer size.


You wont see Novell on small LANs, (which used to be the domain of LANTASTIC, but you probably never heard of them either) but rather large corporate networks. I met this admin for Jockey International (yes, the underwear company) and they have 700+ users at this one facility. They have 25 NT servers for file sharing, exchange and such, and one Novell 5 server for file sharing to the whole domain. This is the one that they haven't rebooted in the last two years. This is why nobody wants to upgrade, and hence no more money for Novell.






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