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Oh, and to all the Linux fans out there, you are going to love this. I got it in an email bulletin.



"Emergent virus can infect Windows, Linux"

The mutation of emerging viruses continues to alarm security experts, following the detection of a two-faced villain that can infect both Windows and Linux computers. Dubbed W32.Winux, the virus has no destructive payload, and no companies have reported being infected. Nonetheless, security experts are disturbed by the successful creation of a multiple-environment worm. W32.Winux infects executable programs that run on either Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000 or the many Linux variations. Once activated, the virus automatically searches for all nearby Windows or Linux applications of at least 100K bytes in size, which it then proceeds to infect.

SOURCE: Reuters http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-5329436.html?tag=mn_hd







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Well, that explains why MS makes all the money--have an OS with one problem that wont be fixed until the next release.


Oh goody, a mulitple OS virus. I want my Linux AV right now.

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