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Are we in trouble? All your base are belong to us?

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So that's what the statement is about. This guy left a Q3 game last night and posted "All your base belong to us". I had no idea what that meant (not that I really do now, either, but this is a step in the right direction).










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IN A.D 2101


Captain: What happen?


Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.


Operator: We get signal.


Captain: What!


Operator: Main screen turn on.


Captain: It's You!!


Cats: How are you gentlemen!!


Cats: All your base are belong to us.


Cats: You are on the way to destruction.


Captain: What you say!!


Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.


Cats: HA HA HA HA!


Cats: Take off every "zig."


Cats: You know what you doing.


Cats: Move "zig."


Cats: For great justice.




My PC is warm. I think our fire wall is acting up.

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B2. The Introduction (Japanese version)


A.D. 2101

The war began


Outside Ship - An explosion occurs.


Ship's Bridge

Captain: "What happened!?"

Mechanic: "Someone detonated bombs all around us!"


Close-Up of Excited Communications Officer

Operator: "Captain! Incoming transmission!"

Captain: "What!?"


Ship's Bridge

Operator: "Image coming through on the main monitor."

(CATS appears)

Captain: "You... you are...!!"


Close up of CATS

CATS: "You appear to be preoccupied, gentlemen." (sarcasm)

CATS: "Thanks to the cooperation of the UN forces,

we've taken over all of your bases."

CATS: "Your ship too shall soon be destroyed."


Close up of captain & CATS

Captain: "Im.. Impossible!"

CATS: "We thank you for your cooperation." (more sarcasm)

CATS: "Enjoy the remaining moments of your lives...."


Ship's Bridge

CATS: "Hahahahaha ...."


Close up of Forlorn Captain

Operator: "Captain!?"


Ship's Bridge (ZIGs on monitors)

Captain: "Launch all ZIG fighters!"


Shows a ZIG pilot powering up

Captain: "We leave it up to them..."


Shows a ZIG moving into launch position

Captain: "Give us hope for our future..."


ZIGs on monitors, Bridge Explodes

Captain: "We're counting on you, ZIG!!"


The ship explodes.

A lone ZIG zooms into view!


[translated by WooJin Lee and two sheepishly anonymous persons.]




B3. The Plot as the Introduction Suggests


Taking into account the three organizations mentioned in the actual

Japanese translation, we're to believe three major powers control

the spaceways in the year 2101. They are the United Nations, CATS,

and a third organization - the one the hapless souls aboard that

poor red ship belong to. Japanese animation and manga have been

full of condescending references to the west ever since the end of

World War 2, which leads me to believe that the third, unnamed

organization is Japan. (Don't hold me to that) So you've got the

UN (the west), Japan/Asia, and CATS (an alien race).


So, in the year 2101 CATS teamed up with the UN and in a surprise

move took over or destroyed ALL of Japan's planetary bases. For

some wacky reason, the lone ship in the intro is the focus of

the CATS leader's personal attention. The ship falls into CATS'

boobytrap just as all the rest did, but a lone ZIG fighter

manages to launch before the ship explodes.


You are the pilot of this lone ZIG. You are to travel to the

bases CATS took over and drive their forces away. It is up to

you to wipe this menace from the galaxy, hopefully showing the

UN the folly of their ways in the meantime.


Can a solitary ZIG defeat this alien menace and reunite east

and west in peace? "Move 'ZIG'! For great justice!"

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