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battle of the computers

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a virus scan program?? don't think so, you don't need one Cody, as much as you format and reinstall, it's pointless, and how often do any of us Win2k users get a virus??? I have never had one since i started using it. The thing i hate about virus scanners is that they use resources that could be used for something else, and even if you have a 1.5GHz machine and 512mb ram, they still seem to wanna hog cpu cycles and slow down your boot time, remember Cody, that's precious memory that you COULD be using to play games with.

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On the flip side, I dont like to reinstall more than I have to. I feel that yes, antivirus programs do take some hefty resources, its better safe than sorry. Plus, you can get a sh!tload of ram for dirt cheap, as well as get a 1GHz cpu--one way or another;), so you should be able to frag away without problems. Plus, you can always disable it for gaming you know.

I feel the trade off is worth it, but if you end up reinstalling a ton, then AV programs are fairly worthless, just because of all the updates that have to be downloaded everytime. Just watch out for those files you backup then.

I dont want to start another debate on this sort of stuff, but I just wanted to give my input...

Whatever works for you is best.

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well, i still stick to my side of things, but i can't help but agree a little with Brian, ok, i'll tell you what Cody. I have McAfee Antivirus here, i'll let you copy it and use it (make sure you get all of the updated virus definitions), and if it doesn't hog up your resources then by all means, use it. In this day and age, its all about choice, we all have our reasons to use or not to use and Anti-virus prog.

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specs for the warhammer...


Windows 2000sp1, WinXP 2462, and Sun Solaris 8

Tyan Trinky KT (s2390 or 2490 i forget)

AMD Athalon T-bird 950 @ 1065

Global-Win fp-38 hsf

Inwin Q500n case

256 meg of kingston pc133

Creative Labs TNT2 ultra 32 meg agp (i know i should have better)

Creative Labs DXR3 dvd decoder

Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live XGamer

Hauppage WinTV PCI

Netgear PCI 10/100 net adapter (fa310-tx)

Creative labs Modem Blaster (5601-01)

8 year old floppy

Creative Labs Encore 6x DVD

HP 7200i burner (6/2/2)

western digiatl 10gig and 30gig ata66 @ 7200 rpm

Sony ES200 17" monitort

Cambrige 4point Speakers (fp1500)

MS Natural Pro Keyboard

MS Intilli mouse w/intellieye

MS Sidewinder 3d Pro


no... i don't work for creative

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OK here is mine:


Athlon T-Bird 1.1Ghz

Asus A7V133 Mother board Onboard Promis Ultra ata 100

384 MB crucial 2-2-2 PC133

FOP 32-1 HS

Primary promise: Diamond Maxto 30.4GB

Secondary Promise: Diamond Maxtor 8.4GB

ZIP 100 Drive

Primary VIA: Creative 12X DVD Drive

Secondary VIA: HP 8100 CDRW


Creatve TNT2ultra (geforce 3 is on backorder)

Creative Live!

Creative DXR3 DVD Decoder

Netgear FA312 10/100 network card

Hauppauge WinTV

Elsa ISDN PCI card

3com external 56K modem


Enermax 330Watt PSU

Win2k sp1

and WINXP Beta2

Microsoft Natural Keyboard

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ok i see what you all are sayin yea i havn't got a virus yet with w2k but i don't want to chance and plus don't want something hogging my ram all in one

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Wellp, Ive thrown together a crappy little server. Im installing Win2k on it right now.


I snagged an Abit BE6 mobo for $25, and have enough parts laying around to throw together a halfway decent pc for hosting games.


Here's the specs:


Abit BE6

Pentium II 400

64MB PC100

Matrox 2MB PCI video card

Fujitsu 5.2GB ATA33

Fujitsu MX400 4x CD-ROM

1.44 floppy

crappy 15" monitor


I'll be dropping an old ISA network card soon so It can be on the network.


Im also hoping to grab a stick for my multiboot machine and dump the PC100 into my Abit config considering the stuff's dirt cheap. And I can spend money now that I got money for my colleges summer classes.:D

Scholarship just in the nick of time;)


This ought to be enough to have host Half-Life. laugh

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Depends what OS your using and what you gonna use the system for.

Im only gonna use Win2k so, if you have enough ram a decently fast cpu is good--like 400MHz Pentium II or Celeron is fine, ram is much more important than speed for Win2k. 64MB of ram is not too good for Win2k if your gonna do anything more than surf the net.

Anyway, Im gonna cycle out some of the parts because my dad may want some of them eventually. I got an old PPGA Celeron 400 and probably am gonna get at least to 600MHz with an OC. Im probably gonna get just an 8MB AGP card so I can run 3dmark 2000.


Here's a little tip: Win2k can make boot floppies, so if you have those made up you will still be able to install and repair Win2k if the cd-rom doesnt allow you to boot off it. I just cant remember how you do it...


My P3 system just doesnt have the right board to OC it, so I stopped using the Slocket adapter and just put it in the socket. Oh well, the Trinity 400 runs just fine otherwise...

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From what I understand the AMD 760MP chipset will be the first dual AMD chipset. It supposed to be out later this year. Im not sure if the current crop of Athlons and Durons are SMP capable, but I believe the next Athlon--Palamino will be. Dont know about the Morgan(the next core for the Duron) though. Dual Athlons=kick A$$!

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Ok...I've got my computer set out. Some of the parts are not yet in my posession, but they will be within a few weeks.





All-Black ColdForge AA-15 with extra hdd rack

Enermax 465 PSU modded w/ Panaflo 92 H and 80 M series

1.33ghz Tbird-C w/ arctic silver II -not sure how high I'll get it overclocked.

Swiftech MC-462a w/ Delta 80mm 69cfm fan

Iwill KK266 Pure w/ BlOrb on chipset*unless I find something better*

512mb(2x256) Mushkin R2

OEM GeForce2 GTS that runs at Pro/Ultra clockings.

Hercules Game Theater XP

Adaptec 2940UW UltraWide SCSI controller

Adaptec 39160 Dual Channel Ultra 160 SCSI controller

2x 18gb 10k rpm U160 SCA(w/adapter for 68) IBM hdds . (39160 Channel B)

1x 4.5gb 7.2k rpm U2W IBM hdd. (39160 Channel A)

Pioneer 305s 10x slotload UltraSCSI DVD (2940UW)

Plextor 12x10x32 UltraScsi CDRW (2940UW)

Teac black floppy

Trendware S4PCI PCI 4 port switch/Ethernet card.

4 Panaflo 120 M series. (maybe 2 more if I find a place I want to mount them internally)

2 Panaflo 120 H series.

1 Panaflo 80 (not sure what speed I'll get yet)

Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro (DELL OEM)

Razer Boomslang 2k


Sony Trinitron 17" monitor (DELL OEM)



Something I'm thinking about would be an external UW drive for Linux, that I could disconnect from the 2940UW's external 68 pin when I want Windows, and vice versa.

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brian how would i tell what rpm my harddrive is because i have a maxtor 8.08 gig and i want to know what the rpm is

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Yours wouldnt spin any faster than 5400rpm in all likely hood. You may be able to just take it out and look at the sticker on the top with all the info to find the rpm. If you still have the box (yeah right) it'll say what the specs (rpm included) are.

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According to the computer store here in town, there are 10k rpm Ultra 100 IDE 80gb drives out by Western Digital.

If you have $800.


I asked him if he meant SCSI, he said no. I still don't believe him, seeing as how even the SMALLER hdds aren't even 10k rpm(and usually the smaller ones are faster than the larger ones first).


However, this guy also denies the existence of Socket 8(Pentium Pro), and claims that the 1.33ghz Tbirds aren't released, and that any that are out are ones that "were hijacked off of a truck and being sold on the black market". Personally, I've seen many respected online dealers selling them.


So, tomorrow, I'm taking my brand new week 10 1333 to show off to him.


Personally, I feel that he is just covering his butt because he can't deliver the products, and he overcharges anyway(I saw him listing a TNT2 M64 for 130 in his high end system, and a AIW Rage 128 Pro for $240(though he said it was a Radeon, the box said 128 pro)




I take everything he says with a grain of salt. Every time I leave the store, by the time I've reached my car, and am driving off, I am always busting up(laughing).




but I get free antistatic bags and other small items for free..so I won't argue too much(yet)

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I have a store that Im not fond of, and they think the Asus A7V is a crap mobo, but at least they get there products right. This dude sounds like a scammer, especially with that AIW "Radeon". He is either trying to screw you, on crack, or an idiot. TNT2 M64 as 'high-end' laugh WTF is this dude trying to pull? Ive only seen that on high end complete systems they sell at Best Buy and Circuit City.

I mean I can understand some fluctuation in the price between stores, but $130 for any TNT2? Yeah right.

I also know that despite the fact Socket 8 didnt really catch on, it DID exist. That dude is crooked...hope there are more pc stores in town Inferno.

Have you checked Western Digital's web site to double check? 10K IDE drives would be all over if they actually came out LOL


Maybe you should report him to the BBB. He shouldnt be having prices that way outta whack.

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WD didn't show them...


he said they're RC , and not at retail levels yet(though they can be bought through distributors)


The 1333 he WOULD be selling for $320. Dalco, his distributor, sells it for 221.


I say BS.

I don't go to the guy to buy things because I can get better prices elsewhere. THough, he was selling Corsair 256 for about $110 a month ago. That's not too bad.


I'm taking my case there to sell....


I'm asking 450 for it..but according to THEIR pricing, I could go to 600 and still be more fair to the customers than he is.


As for better computer stores?


not really...this town has nothing.

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My new system:


Athalon 1.2 GHz Thunderbird

ASUS A7M-266 (AMD 761 North, VIA 686B South)

256 stick of samsung ddr ram

ati radeon 64meg ddr

Pioneer DVD


2 - Maxtor ATA100 7200 RPM 30 Gig Drives (Striping)

1 - Fujitsu ATA100 7200 RPM 20 gig drive (data)

3COM nic

19" Perfectly Flat Daytek monitor

M$ Natural Keyboard

M$ Intellimouse (Optic)

AOPEN Full tower case

3 - 80mm fans

1 - "blowhole"

350 Watt PS


Shes a mover and a shaker!!!

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Inferno, you could go to a larger town that has the good stuff. I know that Moline (part of the Quad Cities) has a Best Buy, and you could at least get some decent parts there.


That pc store dude is whacked, how do you keep your sanity. laugh


Nice system, CrazyKillerMan.;)

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I'm smarter than them


I know it


I don't let it all be known to them though...


as for computer stores, there's a Computerdeli, bestbuy, circuitcity, etc. in Bloomington.


that store isn't so bad(Comp deli).


Bestbuy has a bunch of nice things, but a lot of them are overpriced too...small things like mice, and CDRs, are fine.


but if I'm buying something like RAM, or or other GOOD parts, I wnat to buy the quality stuff online.


Mushkin, being the key example.

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