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Quake 3 Test

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Can anyone get Quake 3 Test to work?? I downlaoded when win32 setup, when I try to play, the screen goes white and that's it, machines locked. I tried to use the GL install but you need 95/98 to use it. Any ideas??


I have a DV 770 TnT2 32 vid card with the 3.52(or whatever) drivers which work fine for Jedi Knight etc

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I also have problems running Q3 on Win2k RC2, but only when I try use my TNT card (3.5 drivers).

My old Voodoo Card (4MB Voodoo 1)works fine. Better and faster than under Win98

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I never had any problem running Q3Test (all versions) under Win2K RC1 and RC2. I use the beta Win2K 1.88 Reference drivers from nVidia for my TnT2U (Creative Labs)

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Where did you get those drivers?


I'm running 2128 and NOTHING works...I can't get Quake to work, UT runs in a window...and SLOWLY...and i've tried the latest beta drivers from betaos.com.


It's all very puzzling.

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Forgot to mention, if it seems a bit jerky, or lagged, pull down the console (~ tilde key) and type the following:

Cg_draw3dIcons = 0

That should fix it.



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I had problems with Q3Test, also ... the picture would freeze on the majority of the screen, but would contiune to render around the icons at the bottom (current gun, etc)


Turning off 3d icons I'm running ~20% faster than on a clean install of Win98!





Creative 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 (Nvidia 3.53)

Build 2151


Can't wait till Feb 17! smile.gif

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Alright, for anyone who's having problems installing the drivers....


When windows asks you to confirm if you want to install the driver you've chosen, DO NOT hit next, click the check box below the message to see all of your driver options...THEN select the new driver....That's when you'll get the confirmation tabs asking you if you want to replace the "newer" stock win2000 driver with the 3.xx drivers...


Now all i have to worry about is making q3a appear less ugly, it's all dark compared to on my win98 install.


I also have full d3d functionality...




Thanks for the help.




[This message has been edited by M (edited 06 November 1999).]

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read above...




Guillemot Xentor


UT looks like s$%^ though, lighting and fogging non existant. Opengl looks much sweeter.


Tried the Omikron demo, and it renders beautifully.




[This message has been edited by M (edited 06 November 1999).]

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quake2, quake3, halflife, sin, and kingpin all work perfect on my win2k machine....look a lot better in fact. im running a creative tnt2 value {the value is a beta card that creative has released, kinda like the sb live value}. on the other hand though i cant get shogo, unreal, and some other games to work. it seems that anygames that i have based on the quake2 or quake3 engines work excellent.

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