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V3 2000, EQ, and 2128

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Although I've gotten the fix for 2128 and followed Seldzar update instructions. I still can't run EQ. Well technically it runs but the display is corrupt. Either I gt the HUD and the actual game display is whatever was left in the framebuffer or I get a the HUD and the actual screen offset from each other (bad overlaying). I see that people are running with similar configs so I wonder what I could be missing or doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanx in advance.

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I have the same problem. I had hoped build 2151 would fix it, but to no avail. Under Options in the game, I can choose "Primary Display" or "Voodoo3". With Primary, I get all the 2D graphics and no 3d. Vice versa when I choose Voodoo3. Thinking it was a DX7 issue, I ran the DX-retail install and overwrote any newer files. Also to no avail.

All my other 3D games work flawlessly.


I have a V3 3000 AGP. I've installed the V3 "fix" for build 2128, and now with 2151.

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Yup I went through all the same stuff with the same results. I really had hoped the new DX7 release would have helped but no. SO I guess we are stuck for now unless someone else has any ideas? The weird part is in the compatibility section someone claims to have gotten EQ working under 2k. I'd like to know what setup that individual was running just out of curiousity. Maybe it would help us along.

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want to hear something really wierd... if you dont use any of the driver fixes out there and just use the 2170 built in drivers it actually runs eq most of the time...




when ever you zone, or change resolution it freezes... well most of the time.. i managed to zone once without a crash... im not sure if its a hardware or driver prob... im leaning towards a hardware prob due to the fact that it does work sometimes... i only have 64mb ram and my processor is oc'd from 366 to 550... but i thought id let you guys know that the drivers that come w/ build 2170 seem to work ok

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Has anyone gotten a chance to try the different versions of the drivers with build 2183? See if maybe EQ decides to magically work smile.gif Not that I expect too much but you never know. And since I'm not one of the proud few with direct download access to it I though I'd see what the concensus was. Thanx.

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