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Voodoo3 OpenGL

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Is there anyone on this planet which

has a Voodoo3 3000 running with win2k

which support OpenGL to play Halflife

in OpenGL mode.


If so please tell me how you did it!





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im going to try the damn thing now ..im going to install it and try it out until i find an answer, i'll be back

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I did it !!!! smile.gif

just copy 3dfxvgl.dll in your HL dir

and it works !!!


Yess !!


Please reply your results



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great .. i couldnt even get the damn half life to work ..cuz it was a ripped version, it was crap.. i del it off my dvdram, im gonna try to get another version, but glad it worked. many peeps were having probs with it but i guess with direct3d or something.


chameleon's win2kbox.8m.com

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Ok you all don't use Default mode use 3dfx mini driver under OpenGL driver.

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Why's doesn't make 3dfx some drivers for windows 2000 ???


is that such a hard job ??


Greetings Ridge

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No,it's not that hard. But because Windows 2000 is still in Beta stage, they don't want to support it. I'm sure they'll have a driver by Feb 2000.



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If 3dfx wants to rule again they have to

react quicker. NVIDIA is not sleeping you know.


3dfx knows that win2k will be released soon so they have to do their homework. they are suporting the MAC platform that is a good idea but win2k support sucks !!


I want have a 3dfx card in the future also, but if they are soooo slowwwww with drivers I cannot guarantee that 3dfx will rocks my world in the near future.


Greetings ridge

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