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Games under Win2000 RC2 w/Voodoo3000

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Even with instructions I found here I'm having problems. I'd like to install MechWarriors 3 under RC2 with Voodoo 3000. I have OpenG/L and Glide drivers working, but it says it can't install because it must be a 9x version. How do i install? Also for Lucas Arts Rouge Squadrn, it says I have no direct X, how do I fool it to play as it installs fine?

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ok, last time.


Lets actually search through the message board for your answer first shall we?


go here



get the voodoo3 drivers for WIN2k ( NOT the 98 ones) and install them.

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Ok, I already have the drivers and they seem to work great. The problems I mentioned remain. According to thos site Mechwarriors 3 can be used by copying reg items to Win2000 from a 98 machine. What do you do? Transfer the reg items and then install, or copy entire game dir structure as well and run without installing? Also, is there any way to get games like Rogue Squadron to play. It keeps telling me that it needs to install DX?

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I'd like to a statement and then an observation...1st...win2k 2194 is NOT game-friendly and never will be UNTIL 3DFX and Creative comes out with REAL WIN2K drivers for this OS instead of other people creating "hacks" or work arounds to get hardware to work and 2nd..SOME of the people in this message forum show very little class and outright ignorance in how they treat other posters who ask for help...forgive them if they dont live and breath win2k every day...some of us do have lives...and I for one can attest to that...and dont bother flaming me about being ignorant...I do hold a MCSE cert. and I am a LAN Administrator in the US Navy so I know a thing or two about pc's and dealing with ALL kinds of people...I have been ALL the WIN95 and WIN98 betas ,and WIN 4.0 wars with software and hardware installs and WIN2k beats them hands down..yeah Ive had problems but honestly nothing like this...

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I never let ignorance bother me! In any case I'm running 2128 RC2 and according to this site's info, both should run but I can't figure out how! If anyone has gotten them to run, please tell me how! Thanx in advance.

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I've updated my site with setwin95.cmd for reasons like this. Try using that on the install.exe(setwin95 x:\path to install.exe to see if that will let it install. Since it modifies the exe you will probably need to copy the contents of the cd to your HD =(

Or install it in win98(if you have it on your system) and then import the registry settings into win2k.

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