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Ultima IX Ascension

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Here's the problem:

I installed the game (standard install), applied the patch aviable at www.ultima9.com, and tried to launch it.

It shows a splash screen with a castle on it, reads the cd for a couple of seconds, then just stops.

I went through the same process with the task manager open, and u9.exe appeares to spawn a process called U9.icd. Its mem usage grows for a couple of seconds then both processes are just killed.


Any idea what went wrong?

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u9 uses safedisk which explains the icd. if i remember correctly u9.exe is the safedisk loader which decodes and loads u9.icd which is the u9 exe encrypted.

the problem could be with safedisk and your cd... did u9 ever work for ya on win9x?

people with a similar problem but with win9x or win2k usually download the no cd patch which basically replaces the safedisk encrypted exe with a normal one. before you grab this patch make sure u grab the latest patch from OSI (patch 2 as of now).

also, last time i used this i had to reinstall the game when a new patch came out...

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