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problems problems Win2k+games :(

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about half of my games work with build 2195, are microsoft just going to release this thing to the world, because to me it looks just like Win NT4+Dx7


Is Win2kpro going to be a replacement for Win98 because if it is, new PCs will ship with it and theres going to be a lot of unhappy peeps, I do remember hearing that Microsoft are going to release Win2k based on 98 technology, but i guess that was Win98SE for what its worth smile.gif



or are my problems just because of premature Geforce drivers?

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it's all drivers man, just hold back untill after mid Feb, then you'll probably have so many driver you won't know what to do with them all!


I imagine there will be MANY updates very frequently once they are releases.


[This message has been edited by Ekstreme (edited 06 January 2000).]

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Microsoft is releasing a operating system called "Windows Millennium". This will be the replacement of Windows 98.

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It seems that M$ is probably going to scrap the millenium project and just going to release a service pack for 98 instead. These are rumors but a lot of people have been saying it. Personally I think Millenium is just a waste of time anyway

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I hope that games will be 100% compatible with win2k in the future and that there will be a lot of patches released for them. I think things will change a lot after it is available to the public (officially ;-)


But the fact, that the latest games do not run makes me starting to believe, that maybe Microsoft doesn't want Win2000 to become a gaming OS.


Windows Millenium currently looks like Win2000 and works like Win9x.Why is Microsoft releasing this consumer OS? Win2000 is easier to use than Win9x at the moment, if used in the same way as Win9x.

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"But the fact, that the latest games do not run makes me starting to believe, that maybe Microsoft doesn't want Win2000 to become a gaming OS"



WTF is this about?? NONE of the games out there were written to run on 2000?? so how the hell can you slag them all down?? WAIT!! Have patience, most fo the titles out there will be fixed. Look at Half-life, that's been fixed wiht a patch!!


Most of the problems wiht games atm are only driver related, which isn't windows realted. Go blame your hardware manufacturer. If all else fails, beta test something like Tamagotchi v2b, you obviously are not equiped to handle this OS.

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I have to agree with Ekstreme. Most of the problems are hardware related.


"But the fact, that the latest games do not run makes me starting to believe, that maybe Microsoft doesn't want Win2000 to become a gaming OS."


Latest games dont work, I have a voodoo 2 and a TNT. I can run Unreal Tournement fine. I can run Half-Life fine. I can run RogueSpear fine. I can run tribes fine. I will say this pretty much any game that gamespy supports (which is most the "latest" games) will run on Win2K.

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Hell, even the new Mech3 Expansion pack installs and runs fine in 2000. The original didn't run at all. Software companies are working to get their games compatible with 2000. That's one hurdle. The other hurdle is device drivers. That will be fixed in the near future.

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The drivers for Nvidia cards supplied with build 2195 are for basic use only.


Download the 3.66 for win2k drivers and these enable direct3d. AGP support is still disabled.

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Extreme, i really like the way you answered my post.


First: Win2000 isn't beta anymore (maybe you didn't get it). Currently i'm beta testing Tamagotchi V3.0a


Second: Microsoft doesn't not mention the word gamning that often on one of their websites related to Windows2000. But as so many users seem to run games without any problems here, i know think everything is OK now on gaming with Windows2000


Third: Regarding to ... isn't the right OS for you. I (and most of us) never had to format harddisk for installing new graphic device drivers ;-)


Anyway, Win2000 is perfect at the moment, i'm only feared about the fact that Microsoft could plan to make Millenium the main OS for gaming and support for Win2000 will get few priority.

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1. No s**t. Boy are you clued it.

2. Why the hell else would MS put DX7 in their OS? i suggest you read some more.

3. My graphic problems are not related to drivers or the OS. Not that I can assertain anyhows. At this point, it seems that I have a hardware conflict somewhere.

*** ******!!


Did anyone else here ever hear that sarcasm was the lowest form of wit?


[This message has been edited by Ekstreme (edited 10 January 2000).]

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Cool down, i only wanted to show sarcasm too. I'm sorry for your problems you have with Win2000. Anyway, here are my apologies for the post.

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Relax guys, Beggars can't be choosers. Like most of you we are running Warez versions or internal beta versions. I for one am very happy with the direction of Win2000. While its not for everyone. It is very powerfull and stable. Most of the game problems can be attributed to video drivers, as Tnt cards and most others don't yet impliment AGP support, But most games do not know this. That is what is causeing the Access violations and Crashes in most games, Its the game going for AGP texture memory from RAM, and failing to do so. SO far though, extremely good driver support for an OS that has yet to go live.

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No... The video card driver looks after where textures are placed in the system's resources. If AGP texturing or -insert favourite AGP function here- is not available, it just means the driver must firstly copy the required texture from system memory to local video memory so it can be executed PCI style!


NT4 does not support AGP texturing, but that doesn't stop it playing demanding games like Q3A, UT and Half-Life etc extremely well.

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Ahh ,I see, Still seems that some games like to kick out when the visual demands are put on the video card, IE: BattleZoneII. This game runs for hours in 640*480, but will kick you out very quickly in 1024*768 with some bells and whistles on. Same goes for Unreal Tournament. Maybe its just a Tnt2 thing as i have not heard or seen reports of Voodoo 3, Matrox, or Savage2k performance.


Any Ideas??

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Does everyone remember when Unreal was released? Many users reported the game made their PC crash -especially when in higher resolution modes. The game hit the PC harder than anything had ever done before, and many systems (in particular Voodoo 2/SLI systems) had all sorts of stability problems. Often, Voodoo2 users had to downclock their cards below 90MHz to run Unreal stable!


Perhaps you are experiencing something similar? Try underclocking your gear and see if it helps!

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