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Voodoo3 3000 / Win2k / Quake 3

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I am having trouble getting quake3 to run correctly. At first it woudn't run, i installled this (v3w2k-beta2.exe) and i read another post with someone who had the same problem. I had the red screen and the distorted video. I am at 32bit Desktop mode and whenever i try to change the settings in q3 the screen goes black and freezes. Once i got the video to look normal but the screen was all stretched vertically and shifted over. I've tried everything what do i do.. thanks

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ok i don't see the red screeen and distorted video anymore but the screen is shifted over and stretched out. if i try to change the video settings i get a black screen and it frezzes.

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you need to use drivers from here and exactly follow the instructions provided.

Quake3 works very nicely for me.

I use


oc/ cel 464

V3 3k o/c 190 mhz

win2k pro

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i got those drivers from this page (Voodoo3_NT5_D3D_Glide_ICD_166.zip) did everything it said and did a clean install deleted all files and reinstalled from those. Same results.... vertically stretched screen moved over an inch to right and if i try to change any video setting it freezes and black screen. I guess i'll just have to wait for "officially" released drivers. I got k6III-400.

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Nascar, dude....what is the file versions of your voodoo3.dll and voodoo3.sys? You probably have SHS's old INF file and driver kit....the newest one works much better for everything. Yakbak, get out of 32bit dekstop and go to 16 or 24. Also set all your q3 settings to default and don't change the texture color or color depth, leave them at default. Also if your using a voodoo3 2000 and you are using the v3win2k-beta2.exe, try the fiels from my page http://seldzar.dhs.org in the fiels section. Also if you could let me know what your voodoo3.dll and .sys version numbers are fromt he files you downloaded that would be great, thanks.

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I reinstalled the other ones i had (v3w2k-beta2.exe) because with the ones from this page quake3 would freeze if i tried to change the resolution and then the screen would be REALLY bright when it would boot up and the only way to get rid of the brightness is to go into display properties click ok voodoo3 tab and then it would look normal. this is what it told me....


BIOS ver: 1.00.01-SD


GDI Driver ver: 5.00.2143.56b

Glide2x Driver ver:

Glide 3x ver:

openGL ver: ICD

direct3d: not present


i've spent too much time dealing with this i should probably just wait for them to release drivers

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ok. some people said they got NT drivers working so i tried those and evrything got messed up worse than ever. I'm stuck in 256 colors and 800x600. If i try to change anything screen goes black and freezes. i tried the drivers from seldzar's page and any other drivers i could find and haven't got any positive results. each time i completely cleared hardrive of anything voodoo related in system, registry and inf directories. i don't know what to do anymore. i've got amd k6-III 400 voodoo3 3000 win2k build 2156. everything was ok before i installed nt drivers i could play quake2 but quake 3 was messed up and anything direct3d wouldn't work. but not everything is screwed up

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I see your problem all ready get rid of that builder you got

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