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UT comments at the moment..

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I own a PII 400MHz with 128MB RAM, with Build 2195 FREE (as it says in safe mode) and a Voodoo3 2000 PCI my Unreal Tournament loads super fast and I don't have to wait for that lame ass precaching, Why do you think God made 3dfx? When I skip UT's intro it loads in about 5-8 seconds to load a map it takes about 8 seconds every time. I don't know about you, but that seems fast enough for me. How long are you considering long peaje?

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Originally posted by peaje:
What it piss me off was all the time this game took to LOAD! WAOOOOOOOOO!!! even for loading the levels!!!

Both computers did the same! I know that UT doesnt support SMP but MAN!! i get tired of waiting for this game to load. The first UNREAL took forever to load... this one is almost the same. Q3 has lots of graphics but it doesnt take that long to load.

This is a perfect example of not having sufficient system memory for Unreal Tournament. I know the box says 64MB of RAM recommend, but that is not the case. It really needs 200 MEGS of RAM to operate efficiently. I recently purchased a 256 MB PC-100 DIMM and added it to my 128 MB of PC-100 RAM for a total of 384 MB of PC-100 RAM smile I have edited the UnrealTournament.ini. I edited the cachesizemegs to 200 and Unreal Tournament FLYS in OpenGL at 1024 x 768 in 32-bit color. When you execute unreal tournament there is a delay of 7 seconds before proceeding into the game. Once the game starts the levels load in 5 seconds. By 5 seconds I mean 1……2……3…...4….…5 Not 1…2..3…4..5

I am a Quaker and all I play is Quake smile Unreal Tournament was purchased because I thought Quake 3 would be out around late Christmas. That wasn’t the case so I was stuck with this game for a few weeks. Didn’t touch it since because of how long it too to execute with my 128 MEGS of RAM. Just add more RAM and you will be all set. Plus Windows 2000 LOVES RAM smile I say a system with 512 is all SET for any game smile My com_hunkmegs for Quake III is 200 and I am always the first to be at the map a good 8 seconds before everyone start popping it smile

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Ooops forgot the most important part smile


P.S. What is the flood protection stuff? I think most of us are mature enough not to do that smile



Dual Intel Pentium II 450

384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM

Sound Blaster Live!

Promise DMA/66 Controller

GeForce 256 DDR

IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66

Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66

Intellimouse Explorer (USB)

Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

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Whats all this quake3 loading fsat buisness?? i don't have UT yet but if its longer than quake3 it most be very slow.

I have a k6-2 400 o/c500, 128mb SDRAM, voodoo3 o/c 183mhz, 10.gb UDMA33 and quake3 takes forever to load, well 20-30secs. ***** eh! oh well

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Reaper have you defragged lately? 20-30 is pretty slow. I got pretty much the exact same setup as you except less ram. And it takes about 10 for me or maybe a little less. What voodoo drivers are you using?

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Something that has been stated in the past.. For all you Glyde users with 64-128mb ram... You are fine in Unreal. Do some of the Tweaks that have been mentioned in this post and you are all set..


Now For Us Geoforce Users.. I am sad to say. If you have less than 256mb of ram for UT, We are sort of out of luck.. UT was not optimized for D3D or OpenGL. sucks But you gotta love those API wars.


I had to put me old Diamond Voodoo2 back in just to play UT.


Now i gotta get more ram!!


[This message has been edited by Feral (edited 08 February 2000).]

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