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Turning PC into Apple Macintosh: Hackintosh @ Benchmark Reviews

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TITLE: Turning PC into Apple Macintosh: Hackintosh ( -at -) Benchmark Reviews


DESCRIPTION: A "Hackintosh" is a computer that runs Apple's OS X operating system on non-Apple hardware. This has been possible since Apple's switch

from IBM's PowerPC processors to Intel processors a few years ago. Until recently, building a PC-based Mac was something done only by hard-core

hackers and technophiles, but in the last few months, building a Hackintosh PC has become much easier. Benchmark Reviews looks at what it's possible

to do with PC hardware and the Mac Snow Leopard OS today, and the pros and cons of the building a Hackintosh computer system over purchasing a

supported Apple Mac Pro.


ARTICLE URL: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=623&Itemid=38



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