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Ubuntu 10.10 Benchmarks

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At Phoronix we have posted a new article. A link to this from your

site's news section would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Ubuntu 10.10 Benchmarks ( -at -) Phoronix

Direct Link: http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=15335

Summary: "With Ubuntu 10.10 having been released yesterday on the 10th

of October, many Ubuntu users will be upgrading to this latest release

in the coming days. However, for those that are concerned about the

performance of this latest release that is codenamed the Maverick

Meerkat, here are some benchmarks comparing its performance to Ubuntu

10.04.1 LTS as well as last October's Ubuntu 9.10 release."


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may


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