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NTFS or FAT32 which is better for gamers?

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I have a dual processor system ready for Win2K when it comes out. I will make Win2K my main OS. I'm having a hard time deciding which file format to use. Can anyone comment on running games and such using NTFS. Otherwise I was just planning on using FAT32.



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I've always shied away from using NTFS because no other OS can read NTFS partitions. With NT4, I would always make my system drive (c: drive) a FAT16 partition so that should the system crash I could recover the system using a normal DOS boot disk. I still stick to the same rules for 2K for the same reasons.




[This message has been edited by JonL (edited 09 February 2000).]

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That Windows2000 has a Safe mode just like Windows98 dose.

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Go with NTFS, this is the whole reason why NT is so stable. If you are worreid about data loss, here is what to do. When building make a system partition© and a data partition(e). Store all of you valuables on the data partition. If you have some sort of huge failure, you can always rebuild to the system partition and the data partition will remain in tact.

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I have found through experience that FAT32 is faster, especially when dealing with many small files, but with larger files also. NTFS has a lot of overhead related ti security, as well as the peculiar "FAT" it uses. Also, I found NO difference in stability between the two. There is also the plus of being able to access FAT partitions from a diskette. I killed 2000 by accident once, and that was a lifesaver.


On the other hand, my largest partition is 4 GB, and microsoft CLAIMS that NTFS is faster than FAT ahen the partition is over 4 Gigs - but between what they claim and reality usualy pervades a HUGE gap. :-)


Actually, FAT 16 is much faster than FAT 32 - so you can use that if you want to. The only catch is that FAT 16 is limited to 2GB.


The plus side of NTFS is that you can selectively compress directories and files - if you compress a directory, you can choose to have all included files and directories compressed. However, the compression ration isn't great - about 1.3:1 on the average.


It all depends on your situation/hardware.


My box:

PIII 450@558, 256 MB RAM, IBM 7200 RPM 18 GB HD.


P.S. You can also get a utility to get win98/95 to read/write NTFS - I use a "warez" version and it works like a charm. No, I won't post it.

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Thanks for all your replies. I am planning on using a 27 gig hard drive that I have right now waiting for it. I also have a 40G on order but I don't think I'll have it in time so I'll just make it a D: drive. I think I'll try it at first with NTFS and then wipe it all and re do it with Fat32 if I don't like it.

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Also another limitation of Fat32 is it doesn't support 4gb files. Which really sucks when you want to merge .vob files.......but NTFS does!






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