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Need for Speed - High Stakes: Software Only in Win2k??

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I followed the exact steps on this webpage to get Need For Speed High Stakes to work in Windows 2000. After much turmoil, I finally got it to work. However, in 3dsetup.exe, the only option I have is Software Mode. No Voodoo3 option at all. And I saw on an earlier post, a guy had the same problem with his Riva Tnt. NBA Live 2000 also made by EA works great in Windows 2000 and it shows the Voodoo3 driver in its 3dsetup.exe so I think there must be a way to get Glide or D3D in NFS4. Anyone have any ideas? Please email me if you do. Thanks alot! Software mode just isn't the same game, reminds me of the playstation! :P



Kris Venden

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I dont even have NFS3 installed. What good is it going to do to update NFS3? Will that do something to NFS4? Please explain a bit further.. Thanks



Kris Venden

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OPS I mean NFS3 "Hot Pursuit" sorry

that what that Download fix is for

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Well, you all would be glad to know that last night I came up with a solution. The 3dsetup.exe in the setup dir on NBA Live 2000 also made by EA, loads to a .ini file whereas the one in NFS4 loads to a .dat file. I backed up the 3dsetup dir on NFS4 and then deleted it and put the one from NBA Live 2000 in there and then edited the .ini file so that its name and registry location was the same as in the .dat file in the old NFS4 dir. Then I ran the 3dsetup.exe and as it does for NBA Live 2000, it detected my V3. I thought just for fun that I'd see what happened and to my amazement, the game works AWESOME. Runs incredibly fast with Glide or D3D, whichever its using.. but it is amazing! No more software mode.. So just thought someone might want to know that if they are having the same problem, I might put together a Zip file of the contents for those who want it.



Kris Venden

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I got NFS4, but not NHL. I haven't tried it yet, but i run roughly the same as u. If u put togehter a .zip file, could u please mail it to me? peterro@online.no





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Here is how i did it!


Simply install the game in win9x and export your registry-settings (don't forget the 3d-data-branch), import them in w2k and it will work, contact me if you are having problems!!! Maybe i can send you the reg-file which works for me


ICQ: 47615612

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ZIrHc: could u send me the registry please? I dont have 98 installaed at the moment, and it is kind of frustrating to have to install it just to get one game to work. U can reach me on ICQ 49854048, but it is easier to reach me by mail these days, peterro@online.no





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Would it be possible for you to mail me the .reg file aswell plz

I miss my NFSHS smile




[This message has been edited by Rimmer (edited 10 February 2000).]

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I cannot find those files needed on the Windows 2000 cd, I have the full release and I don't have: ImageCFG.exe and SetWin95.cmd

could someone send me these files by any chance?

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I got this error while trying to run NFS4:

Invalid argument


Need For Speed High Stakes Build: May 19 1999 13:09:13

E.A. Seattle Switch (preceed with dash) Description





I couldn't to an AutoUpdate for some reason, nothing happened, I mean is said checking for updates to NFSHS but nothing happened

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