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Unreal Tourney SPEED!!

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i recently got unreal tourney, and i know loads of people have been complaining about the loading time of it, well a fair few weeks back now but anyway, i owuld just like to say that my load time, well its not there!!! Its takes like about 5secs whereas my quake3 still takes like 20-30secs. so, i'm pleased.

By the way, how do you time your fps in quake3? with my and my friends (in the uk) ever since v1.05 (demo) the cg_drawFPS 1 hasn't worked. and also how to you use the demos1 in quake3?


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My load time is'nt a problem either. To view your fps put "drawfps 1" in the config, it won't work if you put it in the console. I only have the qiii demo but to run demo1 you type timedemo demo001.

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