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Unreal Tournament works great!

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I've seen so many complaints here that i thought I'd post a positive message for once!


I just got Unreal Tournament, and I couldn't believe how well it run under Win2K! No jerking or anything. It run much better than Q3 in win98 (no, I havent tried Unreal in Win98 yet, maybe it will be even better there than Q3). But anyways, Unreal works just great on my system . And my computer isnt even such a great one. A Cel 400@450, 128MB, TNT.


Now, one question. Do you guys think that my system would be a lot faster with a better 3D-card? I now have a TNT, so would a TNT2 or one of the 3dfx cards increase my gaming performance significantly?


Thanks for any replys! smile

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Oh yeah, and I forgot to say which Nvidia drivers I'm using. 3.78 which is the latest as far as I know?

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Really guys!


Do you think that my system wouuld be better off by upgrading to a better 3dcard? I currently have a Diamond Viper V550 (TNT1), but is there any point in getting a TNT2or 3Dfx 3000?


Thanks for all the input! smile

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u like talking to yourself there eh?

i guess i'll save you from yourself now..


yeah, its not a bad idea to get a tnt2 because they're really cheap now and u get a good increase and fps.. a geforce if u got the $$$


my 1.5 cents

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Can I add a few cents?

If I were you (which I aint so feel free to disagree smile ) I would wait until both nvidia and 3dfx releases their new cards. And even if you dont want their latest cards, the old ones will probably be cheaper then too.

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So, basically what you're saying is that it would be useful for my system to get a better 3D-card?


So, far I thought that my TNT is as good as mmy CEL450 is gonna get. But do you think thank getting a faster 3D-card would make my gaming experience better?



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But really, I guess I guess I was a bit drunk when I posted the other message. But anyways, thanks for all the input that you guys gave!


And no I dont really like talking to myself, but it was fun all the same...... wink


Anyhow it was nice getting some answers from you experts. Thanks again!

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