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Half Life networking error

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My friend and I are both having a problem running half-life online. First of all, yes, we both have honest, legitimate, purchased copies. Anyway, whenever either of us tries to host a game (that is, "create" a game), after a minute or two, HL crashes with the following error message:



|Half-Life |


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| [OK] |

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We both have build, protocol version 39, Exe build 10:36:20, Aug 3, 1999.


We are both running Windows 2000, RC1.


Neither of us has any problems running Quake II.


I use ISDN, he uses DSL. He has a static IP and I use dial up. Neither of us are using IPX. We tried, but it didn't help. We tried connecting to other games, and that seems to be fine. Never got disconnected even once. It seems that the error is *only* if running as the server.




Please - we're getting a little tired of Quake II.



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I have the same problem- WSAECONNRESET. So do all the friends that try to serve a game under Win2K.


The easiest fix seems to be to just JOIN in a WON game. If you're worried about lag, or other people, theres LOTS of dedicated servers out there that never have anyone in them!



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I too have run into that error myself. I seem to be able to run LAN multiplayer games fine and do not run into it, but if I try and run a server or dedicated server that error pops up ever so frequently. I can play on WON fine, however. I have a feeling that it is an IPX issue with Half-Life and Win2k. Should be fixed later on in Win2K or there will be a new exe from Sierra.

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I like the idea of simply connecting to a dedicated server. Since I haven't played HL on-line very much, can you tell me how to find a fast, *empty* server out there? Is there a way to set it up so that once we get in, other people can't?

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Well there is no way for you to join a dedicated server and not let other people join. The only way for you to do that is to have your own server and make a password required to join. Usually you can find good servers with a good ping, and usually other players that join will have a good ping as well. If someone has a really bad ping you can either join another server or try and kick that person off by voting.

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Well I tried running a dedicated server lastnight on WON. My roomate connected over our LAN connection and a couple people connected via WON and the Internet. Despite the error message that we all have recieved, the game seemed to run quite smoothly. The only time this error actually affects anything is when I try to run a server I can actually play on with my computer (not a dedicated machine). So I'm not sure what this means but I think its probably just a small bug.

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I also get the same networking error, but in approx. 1 in 10 tries, my friend over a PPP connection gets in without the error and the game goes on smoothly. Upon disconnecting, the same error goes again. BTW, i'm using the -noipx option but I think it does not help.

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Yup, that would explain that weird message I got yesterday at the LAN party when I wanted to host a game of CS.


Ah well, not such a big deal.


Although, you could always make a dual-boot system, and let one of you with Win98 to host and play, while the other one joins with Win2000.


That seems like the only possible sollution right now.

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I'm not sure about your problem, but I recently installed HL and Op For, and then I installed the LATEST patch, 1016. I played HL Teamplay for well over an hour last night and it was perfect.


You might want to try the 1016 patch.



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The 1016 fixes that problem i ran into a while ago!

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