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Unigine Starts A Linux Game Development Competition

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At Phoronix we have posted a new article. A link to this from your

site's news section would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Unigine Starts A Linux Game Development Competition ( -at -) Phoronix

Direct Link: http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=15502

Summary: "While open-source game engines are beginning to progress in

terms of features and graphics capabilities -- thanks in large part to

id Software making open their older game engines -- as a whole the

open-source game engines and other "indie" game engines are far behind

their commercial counterparts. There is the Unreal Development Kit that

is available for non-commercial use, but now Unigine Corp is getting

behind a game development competition to spur Linux game development



Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may


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