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Running Carma2 under win2k

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I know its an old game but i still play it =]


The problem is; running it under Win2k Pro (Final ofcourse) will make the game show this popup: Sorry, Not Supported On Windows NT.


I checked the list of compatible games and it should run ok.


Im suing the UK ver. Direct3d on TNT2. All patches applied.







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I ran into the same thing. The patch is your problem.


Copy the two sub executables off the Cd...


carma2_hw.exe and carma2_sw.exe


...into your Carmageddon root folder.


Voila! Functionality.



*gniltrohc yawa srednaw*

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Tryied it, but it didnt help! The game didnt work before i used the patch either =[


More help wanted!

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Same problem again Sorry, "Not Supported On Windows NT." You cant fool this game =]


Can it be that i'm running Direct3d and not Glide? confused



I really hat when i must reboot into Win98

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