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Intel's Sandy Bridge Debuts: Core i5 2500K and Core i7 2600K CPUs Reviewed

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*Intel's Sandy Bridge Debuts: Core i5 2500K and Core i7 2600K CPUs Reviewed*




Enter the Sandy Bridge 32nm architecture, which marks the introduction of

the 2nd generation Intel Core processors. Sandy Bridge is designed to be a

two-chip platform consisting of a processor and Platform Controller Hub

(PCH). It incorporates an Integrated Display Engine, Processor Graphics, and

Integrated Memory Controller. The debut of Sandy Bridge will result in the

replacement of almost the entire Intel desktop CPU lineup and an important

segment of their mobile line as well.


All in all, 14 new desktop CPUs are being launched today spanning the Core

i7, i5 and i3 series, in addition to 15 mobile processors and several more

supporting chipsets. Although we will focus on the desktop side of things on

this review, there's still a lot to cover. Before jumping into performance

benchmarks we will detail the inner workings of the Sandy Bridge

architecture and how it differs to its predecessors. We are also putting

special emphasis on the improved integrated graphics logic, Turbo Boost and

the new 6 series chipsets.


Thank you.


Julio J. Franco

Executive Editor






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