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Win2k and Age Empires II

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I have a Problem, i can successfuly run Age of Kings with the no cd win2k crack of gamecopy, but sometimes when i´m playing Windows closes my game unexpectedly (this is very annoing when playing in the zone). I have win 2k final 2195 build and a PIII500 128Mb, GeForce.... Pleeease Help...

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no problem here with former TNT2 and now G400. expect your geforce have no problem too since it uses same driver as TNT2. Are you overclocking? I used to have same problem with my old Celeron 266 when overclock to 4x112, but problem gone when it is at 4x103.

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No, i´m not overclocking, and i have the latest driver from the Creative European site. :((



Originally posted by APV:

no problem here with former TNT2 and now G400. expect your geforce have no problem too since it uses same driver as TNT2. Are you overclocking? I used to have same problem with my old Celeron 266 when overclock to 4x112, but problem gone when it is at 4x103.

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try the tech support forum at matrox.com, i saw someone with G400 has same problem check to see the solution that they offer work for you.

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one more thing, if it only happens while you are playing in the zone. it has something to do with sync error, check mircosoft support site.

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