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Geforce 3.81 drivers.....are they any good?

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I am running the 3.78 ones with win2k and i was wondering if there is a significant difference with the 3.81 drivers? Are they any good? And most of all, where can i find them??



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thx for the reply....do you know where i can get those?

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Thanks slkh. I d/l the drivers. I haven't tried them yet because i want to benchmark the current drivers first. What is the best way to benchmark them?

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Quake 3 Arena frame rate would be a good benchmark. Expecting about 18 fps increase in performance. smile

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Do you know the command in Quake 3 to run the timedemo?

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As far as I remember:

1/ press ~ to bring down the console

2/ type in timedemo 1 [enter]

3/ type in demo demo001 or 002 [enter]

4/ when done, press ~ again to read average fps in the console.

Could be wrong. Did not run it for a while frown

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Okay, well, i tested my fps in quake III under the 3.78 drivers. They sucked!!! I got like 40 fps in 1024x768 with everything on high.


I then tried to install the 5.13 drivers, but when i tried to update the driver it said i already had a suitable driver. It wouldn't install!


I don't know what the hell is up with these fps. Someone please tell me what is going on!!! thank you.


Oh, and one other thing, it looks like my computer detects my vid card using the pci bus instead of the AGP!! How do i fix that??


Here are my system specs:


Abit bp6 w/ dual cele 400's@450

32mb 3D Prophet/Hercules Geforce DDR/DVI

256 mb pc100 RAM

SBLive Value


thx for the help.

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Well, i know that this sucks for a Geforce DosFreak. Every other Geforce i have seen has gotten at least 60 fps....even when the CPU was the bottle neck. Something is wrong here with mine. I know i should get more than that.....


I get like 105 in Quake 2 with all the stuff on high..


Does anyone else have any advice rather than computer bashing??? It would be much appreciated.


Oh, i got the 5.13 drivers to install. I had to remove my card and reinstall it a different way, but i got the drivers installed. It is still described as a PCI card in Quake 3 though. It says that it is a Geforce 256/PCI when you go to options, system, video, then driver details. That is weird. Does anyone know how to fix this??? I am losing the AGP bus performance because of this weirdness. I am sure that would help the FPS. Thanks again.

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DosFreak is right.

You're expecting too much. The 40 fps figure you get with everything maxed out is consistent with a 450 MHz cpu with a crawling 75 MHz fsb.

Finally I've done the test. I get 55/60 on my dual 583 MHz box (106 MHz fsb), 60/65 in smp mode when it does not lock. I get 65/70 under Win98.

Regarding the pci issue, uninstall your video board, reboot in safe mode, delete oem*.inf file related to Nvidia, delete Nvidia entries in the registry, reboot, when prompted point to the location where the drivers sit, etc, etc, done. Check with dxdiag if AGP is enabled. Should be OK.

Search this forum, all the info you need is there.

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Thank you FrogMaster. I will mess with it i guess. It just doesn't make sense. I got like 30 something fps with my voodoo 3 2k. Oh well, thx again.

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