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Problem with Halflife, G400 and Windows 2000

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I am having a problem playing Halflife in windows 2000 pro. I installed the game and also the latest patch, when i play in direct3d the game plays (very fast time wise by the way) but the console "~" is not available and if I hit esc I get no menu but a black screen. If I try opengl I either get a white screen after starting a new game or it locks up at loading. Any ideas? Now as a sidenote I am limited right now to AGP 1x only (bios apeture set to 4 megs because of a problem with my PA-2013 rev 2.0



K6-2 450

128 megs

G400 32 meg SH using 5.03 drivers




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No you didn't. I meant I have the exact same problem! Let me know if you find out anything.. jwoods34@yahoo.com

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I also have those problems. I just keep on saving with the "F" keys and quit the game by using the task manager of Win2000.


I also have a G400 DH 32. I guess we have to wait for new drivers, or try to run the game with "apcompat.exe".

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