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I recently upgraded to w2K, and for the most part I'm happy...but my favorite game...The Sims...has sound problems. I have an Aureal Vortex 2 card and recently got the reference drivers, hoping they would alleviate the problems...but instead, the game seems to have even more depsondent sound...does anyone else have this problem? I know for sure it wasn't like this in 98...so I need some advice...please...


My system specs:

P3 450

128 MB ram

Diamond MX300

Geforce 256 DDR



Can ANYONE help?

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ok, first of all, do you have an actual copy or a ripped one, second, what kind of sounds problems are they and when do they occur?



I had a few sound problems right after i installed the adult-censor.cmx file, i removed it and it still happened, i had to uninstall and then reinstall, just backup your export and skins folders before you uninstall, then just put all of the ".fam" files in the IMPORT folder after the reinstall and you'll have all of you houses and families back. I'll try to help as much as i can but try to be more specific

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Well... a)I own the game, b)The sound cuts off 1/8 of the way through an animation, and I know its fu-ked, because I used to have W98, and it had no problems, and c)I have not modified the game one bit (i.e. no nude patches ...etc)


Can you help?

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Same problem with win2k.

1) Retail (PURCHASED)

2) Sound Blaster Live running leaked driver

3) Athlon 650 lots o ram mucho HD space etc.


Radio station music skips but the shopping and activity music and all other sounds are fine. Also why does the game take 3 mins to load under Win2k with a 26 gig RAID 0 setup and only 15 sec under win98? WTF!?!?!?!

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the radio stations are MP3 files, you may have a problem with your system, can you play regular MP3's?


try adding this to the TARGET in the shortcut to the Sims Properties:


-nodx6 -skip_verify -skip_intro -w

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