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Sapphire Pure Fusion Mini E350 APU Mainboard Review @ OCC

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OCC has published a review on the Sapphire Pure Fusion Mini E350 APU Mainboard


Here is a quote from the review:



"What can I say but wow! I went into this review with an open mind and was very pleasantly surprised. As a long time Intel Atom user I have grown accustomed to the low power platform's limitations on what it could and couldn't accomplish. Even being paired with the NVIDIA ION in some of my boards, there were still some things I could not do. During some HD playback, it would shutter every once in a while and even light gaming was a challenge to get by. The AMD Fusion APU definitely put those issues to rest. Not once did the video playback struggle."


Title: Sapphire Pure Fusion Mini E350 APU Mainboard Review

Link: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/sapphire_fusion_apu_mini_e350/

Img: http://www.overclockersclub.com/siteimages/articles/sapphire_fusion_apu_mini_e350/7_thumb.jpg




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