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TechwareLabs Review: Lian-Li PC-C50 HTPC Case

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TechwareLabs Review: Lian-Li PC-C50 HTPC Case

TechwareLabs Review: Lian-Li PC-C50 HTPC Case

Here's a clip from the Review:

Quote: Lian-Li is known for their well built HTPC cases. They have made another. Join us as we install our PC in the PC-C50 and see of it lives up to the Lian-Li standard.


LINK: http://www.techwarelabs.com/lian-li-pc-c50-htpc-case/

Title:TechwareLabs Review: Lian-Li PC-C50 HTPC Case

Image: http://www.techwarelabs.com/wp-content/gallery/lian-li-pc-c50/thumbs/thumbs_lian-li-pc-c50_imagelarge.jpg


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