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ASUS Radeon HD 6950 2GB DirectCU II Overclocked Video Card Review

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NEW CONTENT (Video Cards) - ASUS Radeon HD 6950 2GB DirectCU II Overclocked Video Card Review


QUOTE: "It's been so long since I've looked at an ASUS video card, so long that I honestly couldn't remember the last time I saw one. I can tell you, though, it was in the day where the TOP series reigned supreme. So what's happening these days with ASUS in the video card market? Well, we haven't paid too much attention to be honest, but it's time to see what this DirectCU II series offers us.


What we'll do firstly is check out the package of the card to see what's going on. Once that's done we'll check out the card and the specifications. Carrying only a mild overclock, we decided to just crank up the speed through overdrive and we'll talk about that more in the specifications. Once all that's done, it's time to get into the fun stuff, the performance. First, though, let's check out the package."


For more information, please visit - http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/3915/asus_radeon_hd_6950_2gb_directcu_ii_overclocked_video_card_review/index.html



Best Regards,


The TweakTown Team





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