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Dogs of War

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I got it to install fine. But when i run Training level it freezes at loading "entity"

So i tried the game and it loads all good everything works and when it goes to get to the game play it returns to windows...=(

someone find a way to fix it!@!!

this game looks sweet


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Also might want to comment that the game didnt recognize my tnt2 ultra in its setup so i didnt have Glide. Could be a problem with directx


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I havn't managed to get it working yet myself it appears in the log files that it's asking the D3D for a list of modes (even tho this is already picked) and as you might notice there are about 8 entries for each mode in the setup proggy list, ie. faulty calling of modes.


I'd say that the problem is a buggy DX7.dll file. it probably works fine in win98 (havn't tried)


if you are having trouble getting it to go at all (should at least allow you into the game but not gameplay only the menu's)


then you should delete all the cfg files in the config directory and also any .BDF files in the drivers directory. then it will find your video card.


i'm using a TNT2 btw. i'd say Glide might work.

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