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World exclusive: Asus P8P67 LE Motherboard Review @ ITShootOut.com

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ITShootout takes a world exclusive look at the P8P67 LE motherboard; Asus' least expensive P67 chipset model. Despite featuring a huge array of features we find it doesnt quite offer the great value it initially appears to.



"The P8P67 LE is the baby of AsusÂ’ extensive full-ATX Sandy Bridge motherboard range. The variant we are looking at today is one of the B3 editions, meaning it doesnÂ’t suffer from the potential SATA issue that plagued the first generation of all P67 motherboards."


Link: http://itshootout.com/r-353/asus-p8p67-le-motherboard-review/

Image: http://itshootout.com/user_imgs/img/353.jpg


A news post on your website would be highly appreciated.




Martin Jorgensen




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