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Win2K Problems!

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I'm using Win2K with a PIII 500mhz, 128mb RAM and V3 3000 AGP. Some of my games really lag and also some movies too. I dont know what the problem is. I have the latest video card drivers and really can't think of anything. Any suggestions? To be specific EURO 2000 and some others. Only thing that seems to run nice is Quake 3.

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Looks like DirectX support in the V3 drivers sucks. Quake runs either in OpenGL or native Voodoo GLIDE mode, it's usually faster than TNTs in DirectX for example.

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I can honestly say that performance in Win2k Pro for me using the V3 3500 is on par with 98/98SE if not better(UT,Q3,Nascar3). I cant understand why some people are having performance probs?

I am not playing favortites here either if I had probs in Win2k I would go to 98SE or Millenium in a flash.

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