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Quake 2 & Windows 2000 Professional

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Oh dear..........

For some reason known only to God and Gates Quake 2 will not install under Windows 2000. The message i get after clicking the installation prompt is that "This version of Quake II will not install on to this language version of Win95/NT".

Funny one this, as I have the english Winy2k and the uk English Quake II, which previously ran fine under the English Windows 98.

It's got me stumped. I've tried switching between Regional Settings (Uk & US settings) as suggested by the Activision Support Site to no avail.

Perhaps Windows 2000 is cunningly leading Quake II setup to believe that I have a Mandarin or Jamaican English OS version just to serve me right for installing it on a standalone.

Who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

What's particularly annoying here is that Quake II is NT 4 compatible!!

Anyway, it's just that, an annoyance, but I would like to get some fragging in at some point.

Oh, Quake 3 Arena (Demo) runs sweetly.

Any ideas?

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In fact, Quake 2 has no installer!

Just copy the "data" folder from the CD to wherever you want.

Then select the whole folder and change all the package property to remove the read-only attribute coming from the CD. The prog will thus be able to write to the *.cfg files where your settings and preferences sit.

Rename the "data" folder to "Quake2" so that all utilities around there may find it easily.

Make a shortcut to the executable.

Download and apply the latest patch to upgrade.

You're done!

Enjoy smile

Q2 runs great and fast under W2K.

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You can install it as it is meant to be done by changing the system language.


I had the exact same problem, and I was the phone to a Microsoft support guy for about 10 mins whilst he found out how to change the language.


The steps are as follows:


Go to the Control Panel and double click 'Regional Options'.


Click the 'Set Defualt' button.


A new dialog will open from where you can select the correct System Locale.


It's a bit bizzare, because it isn't natural to look at that Set Default button to change the Locale information, but there ya go.


Happy fragging.

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The region checker is there to make sure your not using a US cd outside the US, for rather feeble reasons, and also for keyboard mapping, and possibly to find the fastest network server.


All you do is change the region setting in the control panel. As I keep my PC set to US language but with a UK Keyboard. That way internet explorer allows me to use altavista as the direct default instead of some cruddy localised search engine like www.lycos.co.uk

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Changing the regional settings for your keyboard and so-on is not the same as setting the System Locale.


When I buy some software, I'd rather it said English UK than English US.


Quake II will not install if your System Locale is set to anything other than the language of the Quake II CD. I know you can just copy the data to your hard disk, but installation routines are there for a reason.


The fact that Quake II requires correct localisation settings is not a big deal, simply because you CAN copy the data. The next application that checks your locale may not be so forgiving. In that case, I'd rather have the correct setting.


And if you're that bothered about being pointed at the correct seacrh engine, just mark it up in your favorites. Personally, I tend to use AskJeeves for all my searches, and that defaults to the UK site. So far I haven't failed to find what I was looking for.

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yeah smile thats why i said that i set my pc to us with a uk keyboard (and UK time). (did I say that)...


If you have local set to UK and you type "? naked women" you only have the option of lycos and a few other cruddy UK search engines. Press customise to see... With a US local you can pick practically any, and have direct access by typing ? in the address bar, thats the point I was making smile

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I know the point you were makming, but Quake II won't install if Windows 2000 is configured in that way, and that's point I was making.


Probably best if we agree that weare both making different points before things escalate!

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