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AFFILIATE NEWS: SuperTalent Showcases SandForce Driven Flash Drive @ The SSD Review

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Dear Editors and Site Staff,


We have posted a new article at The SSD Review which we find may benefit your readers and appreciate consideration in linking this on your site. The SSD Review is a 'solid state drive' specific site that, for the most part , reviews SSD related hardware and also jumps into RAID configurations, Beginners, Buyers and Optimization Guides for the SSD user. We also have a Windows 7 Optimization Guide that has gone viral since it was first published right beside the SSD Optimization Guide.


TITLE: SuperTalent Showcases SandForce Driven Flash Drive ( -at -) The SSD Review


LINK: http://thessdreview.com/latest-buzz/the-ssd-reviewcomputex-taipei-update-supertalent-showcases-sandforce-driven-usb-3-flash-drive/



Having announced the only USB3 Flash Drive SSD at Computex Taipei, SuperTalent was no stranger to innovation and trust us when we tell you that this flash drive is pure SSD through and through. Although we brought the news to you first at CES in January, the RC8 was initially believed to contain 3Xnm NAND flash memory, however, the release was delayed as SuperTalent thought 25nm might be a better choice. If you are looking for the absolute fastest flash drive, look no further!


The RC8 is based on the heart and sole of SandForces rise to fame, the SATA 3 SF-1200 processor which is single handedly responsible for SandForces quick rise to fame in the SSD arena.


PICTURE: http://thessdreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Featured1-300x218.jpg




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