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win2k + UT problem

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Running win2K on PIII 500, 256MB, intel 740i with a voodoo2.


Unreal Tournament (got the latest patch) hangs sometimes and the sound just keeps repeating on loop. I set the sound quality to low, and the video settings to med. Still hangs. Can't do anything but kill the power. Mostly happens during lan deathmatch. Any clues?



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I belive or are not P3 & V2 sometime it dose this on my brother system & He dosen't play online we haven't try MP mode becues his leaning how to run the system as well leaning how play game's, I don't know what make of it at point in time other the P3 maybe to fast for Voodoo2 his P2 never done this knid of stuff, But are sure your V2 is not run to HOT ?.

Or problem may lay with UT code's for V2, the other 3dfx card Banshee, V3, V5 don't do this.

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Depending on what motherboard and processor you are using, try this...


Download and install powerstrip - it will allow you to better monitor your video card. Try changing the setting to 1xAGP or 2xAGP and run UT then. It worked for me and all the hangs have stopped.

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