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Tunewallet Wallet Style Case for iPod Touch @ Review the Tec

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It's Kristofer from Review the Tech, and I have a something review today

that I think your readers might find interesting.


Title: Tunewallet Wallet Style Case for iPod

Touch<http://reviewthetech.com/2011/06/20/tunewallet-wallet-style-case-for-ipod-touch-review/> ( -at -)

Review the Tech


Review Link:



Review Quote:

"Today for review IÂ’ve got another case to protect your iPod Touch from

USBFever. This case can be used with 1st all the way through 4th

generations, so itÂ’s not specific to any version like most cases are. Well

thatÂ’s not exactly correct, it does come with a screen protector that wonÂ’t

fit on the 1st gen iPod Touch, but still itÂ’s as close to universal as IÂ’ve

ever seen in a case. The case is called the Tunewallet, and itÂ’s a wallet

really with a space for your iPod so you can take your music and money with

you all in one place. ItÂ’s a nifty idea I think, and it offers decent

protection for your iPod Touch. "


Review Picture(200x150):




Main site link: http://www.reviewthetech.com




A post in your news would be greatly appreciated.



Any and all news sent to me will be posted!




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